weekly roundup

favorites july 2

yin of pangcakes, street style in paris by vanessa jackman, roz of clothes, cameras, and coffee, funeka of the quirky stylista, by les yeux sans visage, and street style in milan by the sartorialist.

and as always, you can follow me on tumblr to see a continuous feed of everything that catches my eye on the internet! and don’t forget my new bike blog, bikes + babes!


  1. haha dand I have the last pic prepped for street style sunday, and I loved that top right pic from all the pretty birds, too! Great minds and wannabe great minds think alike, huh?

    Off to check out this Roz…


  2. Thank you for featuring me! I’m sure a lot of people tell you this, but yours is one of a few blogs I visit to see great round-ups and inspiration taken from around the web. I saw the Vanessa Jackman shot recently, which I really liked, she has a great eye for detail and outfits. Have you come across a street style blog called Fashionistable by any chance? I think you would like her photos too.
    Oh, and the next post down about your mother was really touching. I similarly inherited my love of buying from charity shops from my mum, and also love looking through photos of her when she was a stylish twenty-something. She used to find amazing bargains at the jumble sales in the rural town where she lived – old ladies donating their balldresses and hand-crafted creations, which were then sold on for less than a pound!

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