
calivintage: caturday

i have to make a confession: i wear my leah goren cat print dress all the time. it’s the easy sort of piece that i can literally throw on after a long day at work to just wear around the house. and the type of dress that i pair with a cardigan on the weekend to run to the grocery store. and if you need evidence, here is one way i’ve worn it, and here is another. and this is the way that i wore it last weekend to scour for vintage at the alameda flea market.

dress: leah goren cat print dress (she takes custom orders!)
sweater: j.crew dream cardigan
bag: vintage woven tote
shoes: swedish hasbeens peep toe super high
glasses: bon look simply fabulous frames (if you use the code “bonlookgive” now through the month of september, you’ll get $10 off to your purchase and bonlook will donate $10 to childsight.)

calivintage: caturday
calivintage: caturday
calivintage: caturday
calivintage: caturday


  1. Hi there!

    I’m coming to San Francisco from Toronto this September for a few days. I was just wondering if you could give me some great suggestions of areas I should stay/ things I need to see. I’m very into thrift shopping, and I’m trying to figure out how to get to this market by transit. Is there an easy transfet when I get over to Oakland? Any tips help! Thanks so much :)

  2. That last picture is so darling! I’m really loving the muted colour combination of your pieces and your bangs! Time to get out the scissors and get trimming on mine! Wish me luck!

  3. What an adorable dress! And it looks super comfy as well, I’d certainly wear it all the time too, just to remind everyone all the time how much I love cats haha! Love your pairing w/ the yellow clogs & straw bag, it looks perfect together! But then again, so do all your looks w/ this dress, you’re just an incredibly stylish lady : ) Oh, & love your jumping picture!

  4. It’s the bursts of yellow that make this outfit for me :) Just wonderful.

    Also, I’m going to be in SF from the 17th Sept for 3 nights and was wondering if you know of any good fleas on then? I don’t think alameda flea is on then :( Any help would be much appreciated! :) x

  5. Haha, I love how much you wear Cat Dress! Cat Dress is clearly magical. I’ve had it bookmarked in my favorites on Etsy for quite awhile now, and I’m not sure that I’ll be able to resist much longer!

  6. I have been lusting over that dress for ages, I wish my budget allowed me to purchase! I would absolutely wear the poo out of it, too. It looks so comfortable and cattastic.

  7. It’s really just a matter of time until I cave and purchase that dress… The adorable silhouette and cat print are pretty much everything I could want in a piece of clothing. ;) I love seeing you and other bloggers remix it!

  8. Love your outfit posts! So inspirational, now I just have to force someone to take mine! That car dress is so pretty, you could wear it for every outfit post, I wouldn’t get tired you make it very interesting with your accessories! Hope you have a nice relaxed weekend!

  9. You are the cutest girl ever! That cat dress and the yellow shoes and handbag and your specs are darling darling darling…

  10. The mix of yellow and army green is amazing. I really love your cat print dress too. It’s so quirky, but really versatile too. I think because the colors are neutral and the shape is classic. Such a nice outfit!

  11. I really wish you’d stop posting this dress because I WANT IT SO BADLY. And every time I see it I consider buying it more and more because IT IS AWESOME. And I’m trying to budget myself. (Haha yeah right no good budgeter would let herself look at these blogs :p )

    1. haha, i know what you mean! i resisted this darn dress for months because i didn’t want to spend so much money on just one item. i definitely sympathize, but i just can’t stop wearing it! ;)

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