lucky magazine!

calivintage: lucky magazine

today i am so happy to be sharing some exciting news: i’m a member of the new lucky magazine style collective! you may remember a couple of weeks ago, i tweeted about the news and linked to this new york times article, which outlines what we expect to be doing in the coming months. and just this past week, the september issue came out and i was lucky enough to be asked to contribute a little piece for their “from the blogs” section in the print magazine! i styled up this outfit as a preview of how i hope to be dressing this fall: in pale pastels and 1960s-inspired shapes. mostly influenced by the fall 2011 collections from philosophy, prada, and peter jensen.

anyway, i’m as happy as a clam right now and so pleased to be able to share this exciting news with you! so next time you’re waiting in line at the grocery store, pick up the september issue of lucky to catch a glimpse of me!

dress: family affairs
shirt: thrifted vintage silk blouse
shoes: thrifted vintage heels
bag: vintage fur clutch
sunglasses: tom ford nikita
lipstick: ysl fard a levres rouge pur in rosy coral


calivintage: lucky magazine
calivintage: lucky magazinecalivintage: lucky magazine
calivintage: lucky magazineIMG_9078


  1. Congratulations! This is a super cute look. The pale pink of the dress is so darling and it looks so cute with your block heel pumps.

  2. Congratulations! That is so exciting! And I am often inspired by your outfits, but this one in particular is going to help me with this awesome gold shift dress I thrifted… it has a similar sheen as your pinky one! super cute!

  3. Hooray! Congratulations on the great (and well deserved!) news, Erin! :)
    That dress is such a great color, and I love your sunglasses!

  4. Congratulations!! That is so exciting! I will pick up an issue just because you are in it! :-)

    I love your sunnies! And that pink is gorgeous!

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