pink pants party

calivintage: pink pants

i was especially busy this weekend shooting street style at the outside lands festival, but before all the madness began, this is one of the outfits i wore to go out for breakfast with the boy. and i’m wearing pink pants! they make me feel like beck from his album midnight vultures. an awesome album, for sure, but when you open the cd there is a glorious photo of beck in a pair of bright pink pants that made my teenage heart melt. so when j brand recently contacted me and asked if i’d like to pick a pair of jeans from their haute hues collection, you had better bet i went straight for the 811 in fuchsia!

when i first got them in the mail, i was a little uncertain if i’d be able to pull off such a bright pair of pants, but i’ve actually already worn them several times. the go to outfit usually includes a breton stripe shirt, simple pumps, and a pair of cat eye glasses. but today i thought i’d add a bit more color with this mustard cardigan, and i anchored it together with a cream shirt and simple brown accessories. definitely an eye catching color combination that’s fun to wear on a sunny afternoon.

shirt: thrifted vintage silk blouse
sweater: j.crew dream cardigan
pants: j brand 811 in fuchsia
shoes: kork ease bette wedges
bag: j.w. hulme mini legacy bag
sunglasses: karen walker number six

calivintage: pink pants
calivintage: pink pants
calivintage: pink pants
calivintage: pink pants
calivintage: pink pants


  1. Oooh lala what a fresh and exciting colour!
    You inspire me to break out my grey, red & navy safety zone Erin.
    These look too good not to try!

  2. Gotta tell u – Im loving every little thing about this outfit. Hot pick, muted cardy and amazing round tourtoise shell shades. epic. ck :) x

  3. I LOVE this – I always love your vintage looks, but it’s fun to see you in something more ‘modern’ every now an again too. I love this bold color combination, and the cream blouse is just the perfect piece to tie it all together. I’m definitely going to be on the lookout for some bright pants this weekend – I’m hoping to find some bright coral or red jeans, but we’ll see what the thrifting gods have to offer. :)

  4. Oh my, you look painfully cute in those pants!! I love that you chose a more muted color cardigan to go with them. And that background is awesome!

  5. those pants look lovely on you! I have never even considered such bright bottoms, but you make them seem so effortlessly chic that I don’t even notice the color of the pants so much as the greatness of the overall look.

  6. These pants are amazing, as is that wall you’re in front of! And oh man you have just made me remember my love for Beck, and I think I’m going to go listen to him right now.

  7. I love that color. I tried on some similar looking ones in wool from J.Crew. The color was cute, and spot on with the pair you are wearing, but I think I’d like denim more than wool. Great choice with the mustard and the blouse!

  8. aaaaah omg I love these shots, you look amazing! the pants combined with the beautiful yellow cardigan looks great on you :) I swear you’re one of my fav bloggers ever!!!

    have a great day sweety!


  9. Erin, you’re making me want to rush out and buy some hot pink pants. This is a problem because I’m 99% sure that they’d never look as cute on me as they do on you. Thanks for helping me consider new fashion possibilities!

  10. MAN OH MAN! I absolutely LOVE this!!! I need to get me somma those pants! I am always wanting to add a pop of color to my outfit but feel like I can’t pull it off. You do it so well! I love the color combinations here. Just everything about this! One of my favourite posts of yours in a while (well, I love everything you wear but this is awesome!) So so good! <3

  11. Love it! I’ve owned several pairs of pink jeans, although unfortunately I’ve grown out of my favorite pair. I think I’ll have to hunt some down for next winter now :)
    Coloured denim is so fun.

  12. What a colour explosion!
    Such a nice surprise to open this link when the trend lately has been pastels, whites, pretties and simples.
    While those are all lovely, of course, sometimes you just need a punch-in-the-face of bright colour.
    Thank you!

  13. i think this is my favorite outfit of your ever! i like you in pants. :) and that blouse is amazing! i can’t believe you found it at a thrift store! i’m so jealous

  14. It’s so unusual to see you wearing pants! :) They look perfect! And I really love colors here too! Pink and mustard looks so good together!

  15. Yes! You can definitely pull off those pants. And with such a neutral top, it doesn’t look odd at all. I think they’re pretty amazingly honestly.

  16. Your pants are amazing! Love how vibrant they are. I would never have thought to pair mustard yellow with such a bold neon but the combination totally works.

  17. Mustard and hot pink – who knew! I love mustard – mustard & teal, mustard & purple, mustard & turquoise but I think your combination beats them all, I love it!

  18. The best way to carry off a bright colored bottom like fuchsia is to team it up with a subdued top. For me, I would call it absolutely fresh and lively, perfect for a proper vintage look. The bold combination looks lovely with the painted background depicting an open river-side restaurant.

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