outfit: fake summer

calivintage: fake summer

after spending last week in warm and sunny los angeles, i was kind of dreading my arrival back home in the bay area, anticipating a very chilly reception upon my return. but to my surprise, i woke up yesterday morning to the most gloriously (albeit unseasonably) warm weather in oakland. it was so hot that i decided to pretend that i was on summer vacation, and threw on this ridiculously cute tropical print dress to celebrate. perhaps this has something to do with the fact that i just got the film developed from my hawaiian vacation back in july, and i was feeling a bit nostalgic. and i suppose the stars aligned on this opportunity, considering that i bought this dress last week on a whim, wondering how many months it would be until i would actually have the chance to wear it!

dress: trashy diva trixie sarong
shoes: vintage candies from pretty penny vintage in oakland
bag: thrifted vintage woven straw tote
sunglasses: rag & bone via gilt groupe
lipstick: ysl rouge pure couture in le orange


calivintage: fake summer
calivintage: fake summer
calivintage: fake summer
calivintage: fake summer
calivintage: fake summer
calivintage: fake summer
calivintage: fake summer


  1. Embrace summer for as long as you can! Even if it’s 50 degrees and windy in Oakland. Turn up the heat and dance around your house in your bathing suit.

  2. That is a great, fun dress! The hot weather here also took me by surprise yesterday and I was wearing jeans and mid-calf boots because I hadn’t left the house all day and didn’t realize that it was so warm.

    1. i have been meaning to write more about those kinds of details! i actually have a bunch of new lip colors, too! i will have to write a post about all of my favorites!

      p.s. i’m wearing ysl rouge pur couture in this post!

  3. First of all, you look gorgeous in this dress! Second, I love that you did this post because it’s always summer here in SoCal, except for like that one day of rain, so I’m inspired to embrace it now :)

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