four eyes

ok, you guys. i know many of you saw me in video form for the first time last week, and now i guess i’m on a roll, because today i have yet another video to share. i recently acquired a small collection of new glasses and thought it would be fun to record a little video featuring them all. it’s been a long while since i’ve made my own video… well, to be honest, this is like the third video i’ve ever made. but i was in a silly mood and thought it might be fun to show you what my silly mug looks like in motion, and to highlight some of my favorite new frames from bonlook! i think it’s so funny how i look rather serious in many of my outfit photos when in real life i’m generally contorting my face into all number of strange faces in hopes of generating a comic effect. so enjoy!

if you’d like to snatch up a pair yourself, they are quite affordable at $99 total for the frame and the prescription (or you can get them made into sunglasses or simply fill them with non-prescription lenses), and they arrive in their own little case with a soft little cloth, lens cleaner, and a mini screwdriver in case of lost screws! but that’s not all, haha! you can get $10 off with the code, “cali10” now through november 4!

i am wearing: j’adore in goldjungle chic in tortoisejungle chic sunglasses in havana & purple, and the simply fabulous in brown. oh, and perhaps a pair of silly novelty birthday glasses made their way in as well… and the dress is handmade by leah goren!


  1. I love Os Mutantes! Saw them live about 5 years ago. Unfortunately, they performed sans Rita Lee, but it was a good show nonetheless. Thanks for putting another smile on my face.

  2. your blog just gets better and better – more videos please! love all the frames but it’s a toss up between the first and last for me – i’m in the market for some new specs and will definitely be getting them from Bonlook, they’re fab:)

  3. i love all your glasses! i’ve been on a bit of a glasses-buying kick lately and watching this video IS NOT HELPING! Gosh, those Bon Look glasses are too cute!

  4. You are so adorable! I wish i came up and said hello at the modcloth event a few months ago, but I am glad I started reading your blog since then! i love it!

  5. I adore these! I love that you did the waggle glasses thing – sure fire way for me to make my young man crack up laughing! Adore the frames, want a fair few for myself!

  6. Erin, could you please let me know what kind of video camera you shot this with? The quality is amazing (I just discovered your blog via a german blog on cat printing!).

    1. hi priscilla! i’m so glad you found my blog! to answer your question, i used my canon 5d with a 50mm f/1.4 lens. it’s the same camera that i use to shoot my outfit photos, but it also shoots video!

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