outfit: jump!

calivintage: jump!

i’m sure by now you’ve noticed: i have a thing for jump shots. i can’t remember when exactly it started. sometime in the past 3 years… (can you believe it’s almost been 3 years since calivintage started?!) i’ve always enjoyed infusing movement into my photos, and jumping just seems like a fun way to show it. it’s gotten to the point where i’m pretty sure almost every outfit post has at least one photo of me hopping about like a frog. and the other day, while out on my usual evening stroll, i got bit by the jumping bug and possibly got a bit carried away with my silly ‘poses.’ normally, these little bouts would be tucked away in the depths of my computer archives, hidden from the public in an attempt to cover-up my strange affliction. but today i thought i might as well have out with it and expose my curious hopping habits for all to see.

dress: vintage
sweater: black cashmere cardigan from tj maxx
tights: tabio 150 denier ribbed tights in khaki
shoes: vintage salvatore ferragamo flats
bag: rebecca minkoff covet satchel
glasses: bonlook simply fabulous use code “cali10” to get $10 off your order now through october 10!

calivintage: jump!
calivintage: jump!
calivintage: jump!
calivintage: jump!
calivintage: jump!


  1. Erin, you’re too cute for words! Thanks for sharing all the jumping photos. I loved when you used to jump on the rooftop. Those were so much fun!

  2. I love me some fall calivintage. hooray for almost-3 years! (i’ve been reading you for almost that entire time)

  3. You’re the cutest! Those poses are so awesome, as is the outfit! I always love what you wear…you manage to dress with style and sophistication while still bringing some quirkiness into the picture. :) Love your blog!

  4. I LOVE the energy in these photos! There’s something so uplifting about them – the cute stripes and the peter pan collar just add to the ‘bounce’ in the pics. Thanks for sharing them, they wouldn’t have made me smile if they were archived in the depths of your computer! x

  5. I love jumping poses too! And those stripes on your dress! It’s hard to find a dress with vertical stripes in such gorgeous colors. I love the tights with it.

  6. The glasses are adorbs. If I hadn’t just bought two pairs this month, I’d consider these. And um, I know your bf’s mom. And sometimes, we talk about you blog at work. Hi!

  7. I’ve recently discovered your site and have really enoyed it. Your images and style are infused with personality that make your posts something I look forward to reading.

    As someone who is trying to discover what her style is, I find your blog a step in the right direction!

  8. This really makes me want to go take jumping pictures right now. This is such an inspiring post. You look beautiful and wonderfully comfortable in your own skin. It was nice to see you at the flea market. :D

  9. Having fun with what you are wearing and feeling good and comfortable: if someone asked me what style means I would definitely show him these pictures! You look AMAZING Erin, keep it up!!!

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