a calivintage closet tour with nbc bay area!

your eyes are not deceiving you! it’s yet another video! and as you can tell, i’m still warming up to the whole talking and moving on camera bit, but i’m making my most valiant effort. i think i said this after i did the dvf video, but oh my, i have a lot more respect for people who are on camera all of the time! it really is quite a skill!

anyway, enough of my early morning rambling! this video was shot by the lovely claudia escobar of the nbc bay area website, the feast! she came to my apartment to take a peek in my closet and i held her captive for two hours while i showed off my collection! and i believe this might be one of the first times that i’m sharing the inside of my home with you guys. there aren’t many panned out shots, but now you have an idea of what my closet looks like (yes, it’s an entire room). i know i’ve gotten quite a few requests over the past few years from people curious to see what it looks like, so here’s a little look at what i’ve got!


  1. Oh goodness! I wish I had a room like that for my closet! You have some really beautiful pieces. I wish the thrifting was that good in England!

  2. i have seriously, serioulsy, no words for your cloeset! you have no idead how envy i am over your amazing dresses! oh my, girl, i wish had them all in my closet!hahah

  3. Erin! This is such a cute video. It was beautiful shot and I loved hearing you talk about all your clothes. There is such love and passion in your voice. So fun!

  4. Your closet looks fantastic! I love some of the pieces you showed…and I think you seem like a natural in front of the camera! The video is wonderful too…she got some really great shots.

  5. i enjoyed this most of all because your voice is so lively, intelligent, and serious! you have incredible on-camera presence so i’m going to pooh-pooh you saying it looks difficult–you make it look effortless.
    fun to get a peek into your closet, too.

    1. haha, wow! that is such a lovely compliment. thank you! i guess i’m just being silly because i don’t feel nearly as accustomed to it as i would like to! and of course, i’m my own worst critic! i’m really happy to hear you say that all of my nervousness doesn’t show!

  6. Oh my… I love this! Your closet is so fantastic! I feel like my mother is kind of similar to yours… She started me off with vintage, and thrift stores at a young age (even though some of her purchases were only for the sake of dress up when I was little, I wear them as regular dresses now!).

    You should definitely start doing more videos, they’re so cute!

    1. aw, that is so lovely! reading your comment actually brought back an old memory! my mom actually used to buy us vintage hats and gloves when we were kids so we could play dress up, too! sounds like our experience was almost identical!!!

  7. Haha the scene with the vintage tapestry boots vs the Bass shoes is incredible :) And they both are lovely!
    You make me want to find a smart way to create a room in my flat just for clothes, the vintage racks are getting insane and I don’t even remember what I have, which is good in a way, rediscovering and all but… you know most of the times it just feels a big mess >_<
    Anyways, you look too cute in this video Erin! Do more ;)
    Have a lovely November!

    1. haha, i know, right? isn’t it funny how that happens sometimes? i actually have a lot of stuff in my wardrobe like that!

      also, ever since i turned one of my rooms into a closet, it has opened up a world of possibilities. as fun as it is to rediscover things, it’s really nice to have everything out where you can see it! helps me tremendously when i am starting to feel as though i have nothing to wear!

  8. You have a fabulous closet! And you are totally right; the Bay Area’s lack of seasons really creates a sense of sartorial freedom!

    That 1930’s dress with the soutache is absolutely beautiful! I love the Vintage Expo. It’s been a few years since I’ve actually been able to go to it, though. And I somehow have never been able to make it to the Alameda Flea. I guess it’s because I live in the North Bay and it’s hard to get to the flea early enough to avoid the traffic and chaos. But I really want to go this month!

  9. Love this! I used to have a dressing room, then we downsized and went from six wardrobes to one, not kidding, I do have lots of shelving for my shoes though! Love you on camera! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great video! Like others have said, you look and sound natural in front of the camera so you have nothing to worry about :) I love what you said about just wearing what you want no matter the occasion, something I need to embrace more often!

  11. That was such a great video! I think you did a great job :)
    Also. Those shoes – the boots and then the flats. They are great. I don’t remember seeing them here before though. But they are fantastic. Like the cat tapestry boots that you reblogged on tumblr earlier. Yeah. :D

    1. thank you! and oh girl! i have so many things in my closet that have never been on my blog before, it’s obscene! i have a tendency to just “collect” things and then i struggle to figure out how to actually wear them!

  12. Such a cool video! You definitely do well in front of the camera. You’re so approachable! (If one could approach through the internet, I mean) I’m so jealous of your closet room too. I’ve now convinced myself I need one of those when I own my own house.

  13. this is a wonderful vid, I loved seeing glimpses of your space and learning about your childhood as a thrifter. It’s so wonderful to know your man puts up with a ROOM of your clothing treasures ;)


  14. Hey Erin, nice video! I love all of your lace dresses…I’m getting married in early 2012 and am looking for one similar to those you’re showing off in the clip. Do you have any suggestions of specific vintage/antique/consignment shops where I might have an easier time getting my hands on one?


  15. I think this is the first time I’ve heard your voice and it is nice to hear along with the photos of you from over this time period. You have QUITE a collection!! I think it is good that you will dress fancy JUST because you feel like it. That’s great.

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