the san francisco steven alan store opening!

calivintage: steven alan sf store opening

last night i attended the san francisco steven alan store opening hosted by refinery 29. i can be such a recluse when it comes to attending fashion events, but i recently decided that it’s high time for me to start checking out the local fashion scene. and really, how do you say no to an invite to the steven alan store opening? i am obsessed with his designs and want to own them all, so i don’t need half an excuse to look at pretty clothes, drink fancy cocktails, and make small talk.

i have also resolved to take more photos, and thought you might like to take a peek at a few of the things that caught my eye in the new store. it was a bit too crowded for me to shop, but i have already decided that i’m going back the first chance i get to pick up my most favorite piece from the fall 2011 collection, the striped agnes dress!

calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
calivintage: steven alan sf store opening
yes, that’s steven alan himself. right after i awkwardly introduced myself to him!!


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