
the old crowd


ok, so i know this isn’t new, but since i was recently on the subject of badass babes in my recent post about teddy girls, i remembered that i mentioned some pretty cool inspiration from a recent issue of rookie mag and thought i’d share. the moment i laid eyes on this cool editorial, i was in love. the hair, the makeup, the styling! everything is perfect and i just love the free-spirited and super tough vibes of the whole thing. i suppose it’s kinda funny considering how proper and ladylike i’ve been dressing the past couple of years, but seeing images like these makes me think it’s time to get back in touch with my bad side, at least just a little.

photos by chrissie white for rookie mag. hair by angalina sandoval, makeup by angel dorr and lenaig delisle, and styling by elvia carreon. assisted by hy khong and modeled by justina, raton, tennessee, amanda, and jasmyne.



  1. The patterns & dimensions of these dresses & jackets are amazing and so inspiring for vintage connoisseurs. The women look so rebellious & powerful, yet maintain sophistication & sex appeal at the same time. Im so glad vintage & vintage inspired collections are booming on the runways & fashion magazines. Check out the well priced vintage collection @ The dresses, jackets, & everything else have the same feel as this awesome post.

    Gorgeous blog,
    Summer @ 5Stack Vintage

  2. Man theres always these moments that remind me that Tavi is from Chicago…THIS TOTALLY reminds me of all my rockabilly friends who go swing dancing on thursdays..THEY ARE HARD CORE and call themselves las sucias.

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