bro time

calivintage: bro time

the whole time i was in redlands, i made my little brother devin take my outfit photos for the blog, so it only seemed fitting that we reversed roles on my last day there and i snapped a few photos of his outfit. he was proudly wearing two of his prized christmas gifts, a pair of green dr. martens and a nice new cpo jacket. while i was there, we talked a lot about clothes and even spent a day checking out menswear boutiques in la. i don’t know a ton about menswear, so it was interesting to observe. since there really are less options style-wise, there’s a much bigger focus on quality and fit than you typically see in women’s clothing. it stood as a nice reminder to focus on quality and craftsmanship. case in point, he may be wearing some simple basics, but they’re all very solid pieces meant to last a very long time. anyway, these photos were taken in my grandmother’s back yard. my brother is a bit serious, but i still managed to get him to do a “calivintage” jump for me, haha!

glasses: bonlook
top: fidelity by gerald and stewart cpo shirt
top: j.crew
jeans: levi’s 1947 raw selvedge 501s
socks: generic wool socks
shoes: green dr. martens
calivintage: bro time
calivintage: bro time
calivintage: bro time
calivintage: bro time
calivintage: bro time
calivintage: bro time


  1. Cool photos, your brother is just as stylish as you are. And I can definitely see a resemblance in your facial expressions :)

    I just wanted to let you know that I borrowed one of your pics for a favourites feature over at my blog. Of course I linked back to you ;)
    Come and check it out if you like.
    Happy Friday!

  2. Sometimes I am so jealous of boys and their flatness, the way clothes lie on them. I would dress like this everyday if I were a boy (sometimes I do anyway)!

    1. dude, i know what you mean. i borrowed some of my brothers jeans while i was in redlands and it’s just not fair. they look so cool on him, but alas, i am not a boy and menswear will never look as slick on me. but i’m with you, i still do it anyway!

  3. Your brother is seriously so cool. I haven’t seen dark green docs like that in so long! I think it’s pretty obvious that mad style runs in your family. :)


  4. arg! i love your bro!! haha, you guys have a similar facial difference like my and my bro, mine is more round his is more long, but we have the same eyes…its not until u look at pictures do you see the relation…some how irl i never notice our similarities

  5. I know I’m a little late to the party, but you and your brother have such fantastic style. I love those green Docs with the workshirt and jeans.

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