
my nyfw: polyvore live recap!


i’ve been home from nyfw for a couple of days, mostly recovering from nearly two weeks with little to no sleep (yikes!), but also having tons of fun going back through the hundreds (ok, thousands) of photos i took during my trip. and of course, one of the most exciting experiences from nyfw was the opportunity to walk the runway for the polyvore live event!

we arrived at the venue at 12:30pm to start the process of transforming ourselves from fashion bloggers to “models” for the day. prior to the event, i had been taking photos backstage at several runway shows to get a peek at the hair and makeup before the shows, so it was quite a role reversal to find myself sitting in the chair getting primped and pampered by cover girl, sarah potempa, and tenoverten. and as you can see from the photos, i was barely recognizable after a full head of extensions and a very fancy updo with sultry makeup and a very glamorous dress designed by celestino. it was a surreal experience, to say the least, and i am so happy to have been a part of the event! it was tons of fun to play a model for the day and to try something completely new, though i definitely think i’ll be keeping my day job, haha! a big thank you to everyone who participated in the event!

if you missed the live stream, you can still watch the full video right here. (it’s a long video, so if you’re curious, i walk the runway at around the 23:36 mark!)

Payless Check Signing Event
Payless Check Signing Event
Payless Check Signing Event
Payless Check Signing Event


  1. This looks like so much fun!!! I love your hair long and with it up! Beautiful! I also adore your outfit you wore before the show! Lovely!

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  2. MY GOD! I completely didn’t recognize you! I thought it wasn’t you, but then I noticed your tattoo!! How gorgeous is that dress!! But I love your little bob!! Viva la bob! What a great experience :) now get some rest, beautiful!

  3. Erin you looked amazing! I watched the live stream of the show and you rocked the catwalk! You were so brave! I would’ve totally had a ‘Carrie’ moment and fallen over or something! You and Rebecca were great :)

  4. You look stunning and I love the long hair on you. Wow, what a difference but I still love your bob ;).
    Thanks for sharing this amazing experience with us. Your dress was fabulous.

  5. Did you see all the people looking at your tattoos in one of the runway photos? I love it! Also, you look so different without bangs- I had to scroll down to see if it was really you. You look beautiful, as always!

    1. i totally didn’t notice it at first, but i think it’s hilarious! since it’s on the back of my leg, i rarely ever notice people checking it out, but it must be much more eye-catching than i ever thought, haha!

  6. Holy Smokes! You are kicking ass in these photos!!!!!!!! Were you like jumping up and down inside while you were on the runway?! Ha! How fun.

  7. beautiful! i looked through the pictures first and didn’t even realize that gorgeous model was you! i can pick up on your hispanic features more with your hair back like that. que bonita!

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