outfit: sepia tones

calivintage: sepia tones

today i stayed home sick from work. it’s just a cold, but it seriously won’t quit! so i thought i might share one of my more casual and cozy looks appropriate for those days when you’re feeling just slightly under the weather, but not completely out of commission. it also happens to be the outfit i wore on the plane ride home from nyc, which is probably where i contracted this nasty little bug.

in other news, i’ve been obsessed with these sepia tones lately. these pants are pretty much the perfect color. almost the same as my favorite color in the jumbo box of crayola colors: burnt sienna. i kid you not, that was my favorite crayon as a kid.

top: j.crew silk crepe blouse
sweater: madewell
jeans: j brand high rise maria
shoes: bass wayfarers
bag: j.w. hulme mini legacy bag
lipstick: ysl rouge pur in le rouge
necklace: toujours toi stables necklace

calivintage: sepia tones
calivintage: sepia tones
calivintage: sepia tones
calivintage: sepia tones


  1. Sorry you’re feeling under the weather! At least you have cuddly clothes to comfort you. I must admit my own outfit today looks pretty much the same. It’s so nice to snuggle down some days!

    Also, I’m kind of in love with your loafers. <3

  2. You look better in those j brands than the models on Revolve & Shopbop did! Can’t tell on my phone – did you cuff them? Love this ensemble.

  3. I love the color of your jeans! This is such a cute outfit.

    PS Not sure if I’ve commented on this yet, but I loved seeing your photos from the Polyvore runway event. So cool you got to walk in the show — congrats!

  4. those are some of my favourite tones. i love it. i saw your shot with the legs + shoes on instagram and i loved it already. I have a similar pair of shoes in black. now i want them in that colour also. yikes. how many pairs of oxfords and loafers do i really need?! but i can’t help it!

  5. I can’t believe that was your fave color! I love it, but I have to say that I was not that sophisticated as a child. I liked green- the brighter and louder the better. Those pants are perfect.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  6. Wow, you look so delightful, even when sick! I love the color of your jeans too! Everyone has been obsessing over pastels, but I’m still crushing on all the pretty autumn colors. Hope you feel better soon!


  7. Hi, Erin! I love your paints and it’s color so much, I’m also one of your fans. I’ve created my blog for some days because we have the same passion for fastion, and I wanna share with you. So, visit me if you have time! Thanks and love you and nice to know you!

  8. I love the colours in this, it looks really cozy indeed. I’ve been a bit obsessed with this sort of burnt colour for a while and those trousers are just perfect. Hope you feel better soon!

  9. Oh my this is the most perfect outfit I’ve seen in a while! Your blog is so lovely and your sense of style as well.


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