calivintage + public bikes video!

today i am beyond excited to finally be able to share this exciting project that i’ve been working on! it was one of those things that started off as a tiny idea several months ago… i had just met with the incredible folks at public bikes to check out their local bike shop here in san francisco. at the same time, i was chatting with my videographer buddy jon who told me that he’s always wanted to create a bike video. fast forward a few months, and here you have it. a collaboration between a very cool local business built on the idea of getting more people on bikes, a very patient videographer who sat facing backwards on an xtracycle to get some awesome footage (you may remember this behind-the-scenes photo), and a silly blogger who had the pleasure of riding around oakland and san francisco with such a cool team behind me.

if you’re curious about the particular model that i’m riding, it’s the public m8 in powder blue. she’s my trusty girl. a classic, mixte frame with an 8-speed internal hub for riding up and down those treacherous san francisco hills. if you are in the market for a bike, i highly recommend them. check out the site at public bikes or follow them on twitter and facebook!

credits: video by jon brown, music by chrome sparks, bike by public.


  1. I love all your cycling outfits, especially the sunnies! What a gorgeous glimpse of Cali on a bike :) Well-done, and this is proof you should continue to do collaborations with all the creative genius’ out West!

    I’ll be dreaming of this all day!! xox

  2. Aw this is absolutely adorable! I love cruiser bikes :) I just wish they were ridable through out the whole year here (illinois) haha


    1. oh, i know what you mean. even here in san francisco we get really long rainy seasons and i run back to the safety of my car for a few months. but there’s nothing quite like pulling out my bike for a ride on a warm, sunny weekend!

  3. I love their bikes!! I recently relocated to DTLA and they are putting in so many bikes lanes here, I am def. in the market!

    xx, alisia e

  4. Erin, I love this video! No one could look cuter or more stylish on a bike than you. I just spent a LOT of time on the Public site picking out my fave bike – I’ve been emailing my husband all my top picks. Thanks for sharing!


  5. Ohhhhh my I love this! Bike culture is pretty big where I live, but I have yet to really yet into it (uhh, buying a bike would be the first step I guess). There’s something about riding on the road in traffic that throws me off a little… That being said, more people SHOULD be riding their bikes. It’s fun, easy and so much better on both your health and the environment.

  6. Love your Public bike. I have an orange one myself =) Your red sandals in the opening shot are super cute. What brand are they?

  7. Indeed the bike is pretty but for a person who says she loves vintage i think pay $995 for a modern bike is a kind of joke! I’ve bought an European bike on ebay from 1918 for $65 and repainted it for the same price (and it works perfectly). Collecting vintage is not only have things the shape/colors of vintage, i think it’s collecting “real” vintage. This bike brand makes pretty things but don’t you think they’re going a little bit far with their sticker at $20 ? Come on! i like read fashion blogs and i understand partenership with brands but stop taking people for fools! Maybe people need to know the value of things and stop being irrational spending fortune like that.

    1. hi monique, i’m sorry to hear that you’re so upset by the price of the bike. i personally think that this modern bike is a great option for people who like the vintage aesthetic and who want to invest in a brand new bike from a good, honest san francisco-based company. many of my coworkers ride public bikes and are very happy with their purchases. i think that what a person pays for a bike is a matter of their personal budget and what they’re looking for in a bike.

      but i do agree that there are less expensive alternatives. you might like my guide to vintage bikes: i own a few vintage bikes and think they are wonderful!

  8. Cool bike but Shouldn’t you share with everyone that you’re an affiliate and get paid if someone buys through those links?

  9. I like your blog and Public bikes, but as a fellow SF-East Bay bike commuter I have to ask, where is your helmet? I hate the idea that a person can’t be fashionable on a bike while wearing a helmet. There are so many great reasons to ride a bike but sacrificing safety because it isn’t “cute” just doesn’t make sense to me.

    1. oh yes! i agree! being educated on proper riding for city streets (both for cyclists and drivers) in addition to wearing a helmet are important factors for keeping safe on city streets!

      for the purpose of this video i was in a controlled situation, mostly on bicycle and foot paths out of danger from cars and going about the pace of a pedestrian, so in this case, a helmet felt superfluous. in my daily life, i use discretion and usually wear a helmet on city streets. i’ve actually posted tons of photos of myself wearing one in previous posts as well and think i look damn cute, if i do say so myself! just check out the link to my bike tour:

  10. Gorgeous video, makes me dreamy for sunny days…cycling in freezing wind up here in Ireland at the moment!
    I just have to ask what kind of (black) sandals you are wearing at 1:02? They’re pretty much my dream shoes!

  11. Hey – this video is adorable, and so is every bit of clothing and obviously the bike. I’m surprised nobody’s asked this, but what is the featured song in the video?

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