outfit: one dress, two ways

calivintage: variations on a theme

i don’t know about you, but when i get dressed, i find that i often play with variations on the same themes. as an example, this weekend i decided to pull on this new polka dot tunic from j.crew and i loved the look of it so much, that both of my weekend outfits revolved around the same piece. it’s essentially the same outfit, but with a few tweaks here and there. i do this type of thing very often because it’s an easy way to get more mileage out of my favorite pieces of clothing. usually i would only share one of the looks, but today i thought it might be fun to show you the different ways i’ve worn the same piece.

this first look is what i wore for a day running errands around town. the sweater is super cozy and i’m obsessed with these two recent acquisitions: an epic vintage equestrian hat that i picked up at a new vintage shop in berkeley, and a pair of rachel comey mars boots in a lovely chocolate brown. i’ve been lusting over this particular style of boots for years, but never got them because i was anxious about the price. i’m glad i finally broke and got them, because they’ve been on my feet since the moment i took them out of the box!

hat: vintage equestrian hat
dress: j.crew retro-dot tunic
sweater: j.crew cashmere boyfriend cardigan
tights: target
shoes: rachel comey mars boots

calivintage: variations on a theme

this second look is a little bit more adventurous. i’ve been playing with the idea of picking up a leopard coat for ages, but somehow felt intimidated by such a flamboyant print, despite that fact that it’s such a classic print that it’s practically a neutral in most people’s closets. now that i have it, i don’t know how i went so long without one! and of course, why not have fun and mix spots with spots? throw in my crazy round sunglasses and a little charm around my neck, and i’m feeling a bit like a new age space case. and i’m not saying that’s a bad thing!

dress: j.crew retro-dot tunic
sweater: j.crew cashmere boyfriend cardigan
shoes: rachel comey mars boots
coat: vintage leopard coat from secret shop
sunglasses: karen walker von trapp
necklace: toujours toi stables necklace

calivintage: variations on a theme
calivintage: variations on a theme
calivintage: variations on a theme
calivintage: variations on a theme


  1. The hat is perfection! And I’m envious of your ability to wear a tunic as a dress! There are alot of dresses that I can barely wear as a dress (curse you modcloth hem lengths). Long legs. Fantastic in some ways, terrible in others.

  2. I love these two different styles! I have a very similar dress and I like it a lot, but I always find it looks kind of the same. This has really inspired me to try to match with pieces I normally wouldn’t.
    Very well done!

    XX Paulina from jumellejumelle

  3. Love your site – and these gorgeous outfits.

    Found you through your tumblr which I also love. I think I have a big girl crush on you (and your wardrobe)

  4. Adorable. I don’t care so much for all the Fashion Week news as much as seeing your own fabulous self in your own stylish creations.

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