swedish hasbeens spring 2012


i don’t know about you, but when spring rolls around, i find it hard to resist wearing swedish hasbeens every single day. i have them in a few different styles and i always find that they seem to go with everything. so each season, i’m always excited to see what fun stuff they come out with next. and their spring 2012 collection does not disappoint. i love the super retro pin-up illustration vibes of the look book featuring a bunch of vintage babes getting fit at the gym. not to mention all of the new styles! i love that they emphasized traditional sport styles from the 1940s like saddle shoes, driving loafers, and bowling boots and i love their addition of cork wedges and beach sandals!

to see all of my coverage of spring 2012 collections so far, click here.



  1. love the retro look of the campaign. i have one pair and i’m too afraid of messing the wood up because it rains so much here.
    can i ask you, erin, how do you treat the wood on your pairs so it doesn’t get to messy with everyday all day use?

    1. i don’t actually treat the wood or leather with anything and they are just fine! but if you go to the site, they have some good tips. apparently you can treat the wood with a little bit of olive oil for protection, and they recommend that you use sandpaper to clean them when they get dirty. see here: http://bit.ly/wJ3smh

  2. It really is a pretty cool campaign, extraordinary and this vintage sense of it just makes you want to go back in time, and never leave with the perfect hair, the skirts, the high waists and of course the make-up look – black cat-eye eyeliner and blood red lips!!!

    love it!!

  3. i like the shoes and all, but i find some of the photos off putting, mainly the ones where it’s all leg and ass and you don’t even see the models’ faces, it seems so totally unnecessarily objectifying

    1. you know, i hadn’t read it that way, especially since the spirit of the campaign was about equality between men and women, and the liberation that women experience by making their bodies stronger through sports. i read the imagery as more of a cheeky homage to vintage pin-up illustrations, which i love so much! i’m bummed you don’t like it, but you are definitely entitled to your own voice and opinion, so thank you for expressing it!

  4. Going to have to agree with Hannah on the leg&tush comment. I was more or less into the whole campaign until I was more or less flashed by it. I think a pin-up-esque shot from the front would’ve been better.

  5. Love this campaign–kinda reminds me of that Jane Russell number from “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, “Isn’t Anyone Here for Love?” Amazing.

  6. I love love love their ads, and I love love love their clogs. I’ve got far too many. Their fashion show with this spunk was BRILLIANT.

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