outfit: waimea

calivintage: waimea

today is my last day in hawaii before i board a big plane and spend five hours flying over the ocean headed back to my little apartment in oakland. i looked up the forecast and should be expecting rain showers and temperatures in the 50s when i return. it’s back to the grind for me, but i’m thankful to have been able to spend a week in paradise before returning to my usual routine.

these photos were snapped at the botanical gardens in waimea after we feasted on kahuku shrimp in the north shore of oahu. the gardens were absolutely stunning and we had fun prancing around and snapping cheezy tourist pictures, which is the thing to do when you’re on vacation! after spending about two hours wandering about in the lush greenery, we headed out for some hawaiian shave ice at matsumotos, and then drove through the country side back to our hotel. it was a beautiful day that i will not soon forget!

top: equipment sailor blouse
shorts: modcloth isle be there shorts
shoes: swedish hasbeens sky high braided sandals
bag: vintage, gift from my mom
lipstick: ysl rouge pur in le orange

calivintage: waimea
calivintage: waimea
calivintage: waimea
calivintage: waimea
calivintage: waimea
calivintage: waimea
calivintage: waimea


  1. Love it! When I went there the sun was shining and when we got to the waterfall, it started pouring rain with the sun still in full force. Sunny rain. Hawaii is so magical.

  2. You really are in paradise! Such a perfect outfit for a perfect garden, I hope you’ve had an awesome vacation, been loving all your holiday snaps (and outfits!) :)

  3. aww, I love pics of you smiling! they are so lovely. I LOVE the picture of you kind of behind the trees, it’s very interesting and pretty. :)
    glad you had such a great time!

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