weekly roundup

favorites march 30

been a long time since i’ve done one of these! and as such, that means there are a million and one more outfits that i’ve fallen in love with over the past several weeks! you can peek at what i’ve been loving these days either at my newly revamped tumblr, or my recently launched pinterest!

above: street style by wwd, street style by the locals, ashley of milk teeths, harriet photographed by anne bernecker, margaret zhang photographed by vanessa jackman, and street style by refinery29.


  1. Gorgeous picks, I love finding new blogs through Calivintage :) I can only hope that one day I might be featured here #unashamedplug

    Lately I’ve been getting a bit fed up of the blogs on my blogroll but Calivintage has always been a favourite of mine – so please don’t ever stop blogging, Erin!

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