outfit: easy

calivintage: easy

i remember several summers ago before i started my blog, i would spend almost every day wearing one of many little mexican wedding dresses i’d collected over the years. i was drawn to them after seeing a haunting image of my mom as a teenager standing in her backyard wearing a softly glowing full length dress covered in embroidered flowers. she’d picked it up on a trip to visit family in mexico, a story she would tell from time to time involving bus rides with squawking chickens, and a month without the modern convenience of regular showers and safety razors, in which her armpits grew fuzzy.

so perhaps it’s no surprise that i find myself so drawn to this cute embroidered dress, a lovely gift from lauren moffatt that was waiting for me at my hotel when i arrived in new york for fashion week this february. it evokes just a hint of those ever-popular 1970s frocks, but with a much more modern update. i love the peter pan collar and low back, and i love that i can simply throw it on with a pair of sandals and call it a day.

dress: lauren moffatt crosstown traffic dress
shoes: kork ease bette wedges
bag: j.w. hulme mini legacy bag
lipstick: ysl rouge pur in le orange

calivintage: easy
calivintage: easy
calivintage: easy
calivintage: easy
calivintage: easy
calivintage: easy

you can click here to browse through more of my outfits!


  1. What a cute story. It’s funny how we are drawn to certain fashions because they remind us of something special. That’s probably why I love wearing cut-offs so much””they remind me of pre-teen summers riding bikes and building forts with my siblings and cousins. Anyway, you look lovely as always and that dress really is amazing!

  2. love your style. the dress looks so pretty on you! you’re right its all in the little details, such as the peter pan collar and low back. what a wonderful gift!

  3. What an incredible dress – the scoop back is so unexpected! And the photograph of your mother sounds exceptional; I hope you share it sometime – along with your Mexican wedding dress collection (sounds amazing!)


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