outfit: polaroid

calivintage: instamatic

i’ve had so much fun snapping photos with instagram these days, that i recently found myself reminiscing about those pre-digital camera days of my youth when we took pictures of birthday parties and vacations with a silly little 35mm point-and-shoot camera and our trusty polaroid instamatic. the latter of which i actually kept well into adulthood until it fatefully exploded in the hot trunk of my car. and then polaroid cameras sort of disappeared for a little while, and then reappeared on the market when i wasn’t looking. not sure how long they’ve been around now, but i just picked up a polaroid 300. it snaps these tiny little pictures similar to the fuji instax, and i’ve been carrying it around with me in my backpack, only to keep it there because i’m somehow stingy about paying over $1 per photo when i can take pictures with my iphone for “free.” this is especially funny since i’ve been known to blow obscene amounts of cash on photo booths…

anyway, i finally stocked up on film and decided i might as well have some fun with it.

top: jackson t courtesy of stylemint
pants: j brand jeans
shoes: kork ease bette wedges
belt: target

calivintage: instamatic
calivintage: instamatic


  1. Oh I have a little instax mini camera! I feel the same way about the film, but it’s kinda nice because you have to choose your shots wisely! It’s so funny how for us these days, instant photos is mostly a novelty thing… cuz what do we do next? Snap a picture of our polaroid to share online of course! :)

  2. I use poladroid because I don’t have iphone,blanckberry, android…. and the polaroid photos are expensive…

    I wish I can wear those jeans but I’m too short for them…

  3. Your legs look like a million miles long. I really enjoy the basic 70s minimalism of this look and the retro nature of your photos. Great post!

  4. My husband bought me an instax mini before we started dating….and that was what stole my heart…haha jk but it definitely won him major points!! I get so excited when I get to use it, there’s something so great about film. You can appreciate the outcome as it is…no adjustments, Such a rarity these days.

  5. I love instant cameras! I’ve been using film from The Impossible Project and the quality is too crisp for a polaroid if that makes sense? But I love how the film in these still has the vintage feel, and your wide leg jeans help a bit in adding to that aesthetic.

    Lovely pictures :)

  6. I love those jeans! i recently bought some like those and i can’t stop wearing them, nice way to style it!
    Excuse my english, i didn’t know if you speak spanish!
    greetings from Buenos Aires

  7. I’m so behind on my Google Reader!! Forgive me for saying something so crude, but you know you have a rockin’ body when your butt looks this good on raw film!! Looking good, Erin!!

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