outfit: may flowers

calivintage: little flowers

and i’m back! just recovered from a few days off with a kidney infection. it was only miserable for a couple of days before the antibiotics kicked in, but i took it easy this weekend and spent most of my time indoors, taking the opportunity to lay low and chill out instead of working myself to the bone with my usual twenty million projects and side projects. i know it seems kinda silly, but sometimes sick days can be the best for that. besides the party where you feel super crummy.

anyway, these photos were taken last weekend when i was feeling much better. i had been reminiscing about the early days of calivintage, when every single outfit photo was taken on the roof of my apartment. it’s a favorite spot for me and brendan to hang out, drinking beers and watching the sun go down on a warm spring evening. we just don’t usually stop to snap photos up there anymore… but it’s still there, up above the treetops with an epic view stretching out over our little corner of oakland. the weather has been so nice and springy that it feels like every day, we’ve been celebrating the warm temperatures and enjoying the smell of fresh blossoms all around us. so in honor of the occasion, i pulled on my fancy little lauren moffatt top, covered in teeny tiny white flower sequins on a pretty yellow silk shell for a little impromptu dancing session!

top: lauren moffatt car song sequin shell
skirt: american apparel denim circle skirt
shoes: thrifted vintage
bag: vintage wicker umbrella basket, gift from mom
sunglasses: flowers by alex knost sunglasses courtesy of raen optics
lipstick: makeup forever rouge artist intense in satin bright orange

calivintage: little flowers
calivintage: little flowers
calivintage: little flowers
calivintage: little flowers
calivintage: little flowers


  1. Wow, kidney infection. That’s intense. Definitely rest up and get better. Wow, kudos to your mom for giving you that umbrella basket. Pure awesomeness =)

    – Sarah

  2. I know how painful a kidney infection can be, glad the antibiotics have kicked in! You look unbelievably amazing though… can’t believe you were sick over the weekend! I’m in love with the blouse!


  3. Sorry you had a kidney infection. Those are the worst. But at least you got meds that worked quickly! Love that umbrella basket and the collar on your shirt is so sweet. Glad you are feeling better! :)

    1. yeah, it’s been a chronic problem for a number of years, so i’m pretty used to it. i know which meds work best, so i’m usually back on my feet really quickly, thank goodness! thank you!

  4. That umbrella basket as a purse is precious! Also love how the top sort of hangs over the flared skirt. I normally tend to tuck in a tighter shirt with high waisted pieces, but this definitely gives the outfit a lighter, more whimsical feel. Great silhouette!

  5. eek, kidney infections are terrible! I’ve had a few, and I the first few days are always the worst. Glad you’re feeling better, though!

    I’m in love with your cute umbrella purse… such a cute accessory for spring!

  6. Oh dear, I fell in love with your umbrella-bag, it’s just PERFECT!!!! and you look great in your roof ^^ just diferent :)


  7. Ouch Erin, sorry to hear kidney infections are a regular for you. I’ve had a few myself and its no fun! Glad you’re on the mend and feeling more perky.
    That top is just so pretty, even more so in a rooftop photo shoot!

  8. that bag is AMAZING. my life goal is now to find one like it!

    glad you are feeling better and i know exactly what you mean about how good a sick day can be sometimes ;)

  9. Aw I’m glad you’re feeling better!

    The lighting in these pictures is so pretty! I love your little circle skirt with the fun, summery top. Those flats are adorable too!

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