outfit: warm weekend

calivintage: banana split

oh how sad when such a glorious weekend has to come to an end. we got legit warm spring weather in the bay area, and it couldn’t have been more perfect! on saturday, i went on a shoot for audrey grace boutique with two very talented pals, diane and jon. we wandered about in the ucb botanical gardens and around tilden park snapping photos and filming video, and it was honestly only of the easiest and most relaxed shoots i’ve ever done. i can’t share the photos just yet, so i should probably stop teasing you about it! and instead i will shift focus onto my easy weekend look: my dear friend nina of family affairs was so generous to send me this adorable little set! i know i’ve talked a lot recently about having a bit of an obsession with little vintage sets just like this. i love that i can mix and match the skirt and blouse in any number of variations, or i can simply wear them together just like this. the fabric is light and breezy, which was perfect for the hot weekend weather. and the cheerful print just makes me smile.

in other news, i finally decided that all of that vintage i’ve been hoarding over the years is taking up way too much space in my apartment, so i’ve started the process of parting with the overflow. on sunday, i sorted and photographed my entire vintage collection in anticipation of their departure. i’m not sure exactly what to do with it just yet, but i would love to find the right person to sell my collection, so definitely get in touch if you’d like to request a line-sheet! i have hundreds of pieces ranging from the 1940s through the 90s, many of which i’ve worn on my blog and plenty of which have just been stashed away in my closet for far too many years…

top: family affairs banana split shirt
skirt: family affairs fantasy skirt
shoes: swedish hasbeens peep toe super high
bag: thrifted vintage purse, gift from mom
sunglasses: karen walker number six
liptick: makeup forever rouge artist intense in bright orange

calivintage: banana split
calivintage: banana split
calivintage: banana split


  1. my oh my that is the cutest dress ever!! And you bag is just as adorable! Its great that you’ve been having lovely weather; its been bucketing down here in Perth…

    x Aliya

  2. This outfit is just darling!! What a cute print. Those glasses are pretty amazing too.
    Ohhh, all of that vintage sounds amazing!! If I was still selling vintage I would jump on this buy! Actually, I’d just buy to keep, hehe ;O)

  3. I love that family affairs set! If I had money to spend I’d totally be interested in your collection for sale. I bet it’s amazing!

  4. also… you’re probably not interested, but if you’d like to do consignment… I can list your vintage for you in my etsy shop, etc.

    1. I’ve done a bit of consignment with Nicole’s collection. she left some stuff for me to sell when she moved to London.

  5. This outfit is amazing! I just love the print on the top and skirt and how it’s two separate pieces. What a great idea to be able to wear the pieces separately too!

  6. Ahhh! Are you actually done with vintage, or just wanting to pair down?? This makes me kind of sad – but at the same time I’m definately interested in a line sheet. I know of what may make a lovely home for your collection. And also – you look great today! I like the hair – topknot on the casual :)

    1. oh no, i’m not giving up vintage. i just have a huge collection from my days of selling that has been taking up tons of storage space in my apartment. i still have my closet full of clothes i wear, both new and vintage, but there is a massive store of other stuff that’s just sitting there untouched!

  7. I thought this was a dress, too! You know you have found the perfect set when they flow together that well. I would definitely be interested in snatching up some of your vintage pieces if you were looking to sell them individually (I would just be buying them for my personal use, not for an online shop or anything). Had you considered opening an Etsy shop just temporarily?

  8. Beautiful outfit! I love that small detailed patterns are getting in style. I get so caught up in vintage as well. I even catch myself going after destroyed items in {weak} hopes to fix them.

    1. oh same! i actually have a rather large pile of vintage that i’ve acquired in hopes of altering it… only of course i never get around to it. i was so proud because last week i took my first batch to the tailor. let’s see if i can keep up with it!

  9. Hey Erin, what size is the skirt you got? I can’t find the measurements for the sizes anywhere on their site.

  10. That outfit was made for you. I went over to Family Affairs’ website and they had the dress on a very tiny model, losing all the curvaceousness you give to it. Gorgeous.

  11. That is adorable! I love the darling little collar details and pockets. That print is really cute too. I like that it’s a lightweight fabric and perfect for our warmer weather.

    Will you be posting photos of the vintage pieces you are trying to find homes for?

    1. unfortunately, i’m looking to sell it as a lot or on consignment through someone else because i just don’t have the manpower to sell individual pieces! but once i find a buyer, i will definitely let you know who it is so you can check it out! there are some really lovely pieces in there!

        1. yes please!! yours is a closet i covet….
          p.s: news about maurice sendak, sad, i know you;re a fan.

  12. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t even deal with how cute this outfit is. The zebra print has left me dead. The end.

    I love your cute pouch purse. It’s so adorable. Such a great summertime accessory. :]

  13. This outfit is amazing! I am loving this set! The pieces are so versatile and the print is just amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I was so surpised to read this is a skirt and shirt mix! Looks so much like a dress. Absolutely love the print, it would make me happy to wear this too :)

  15. Such a cute outfit, I totally thought it was a dress to begin with! Good luck with selling your collection, I hope the pieces go to good homes. xx Fran

  16. Such a cute outfit! I really love that colour lipstick, I haven’t strayed from MAC Russian Red in years but I think there may be a change in the air ;) x

  17. I didn’t realize your outfit was actually a shirt and skirt set! So very cute!

    If I had a vintage store I would buy your collection in a sec!


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