carven resort 2013

i know i’m a little late in the game sharing this collection, but i loved the carven resort 2013 collection so much that i just had to share it here. my obsession with the brand really solidified last year when they released their 2012 resort collection with that incredible acid yellow pinafore and those darling little bow flats, leading me to dig deep into my pockets and actually invest in a designer piece. in my world, these collections are reserved for inspiration only, but carven is just so perfect that i find myself counting pennies trying to figure out how i will afford another piece! the color combinations are amazing, and the shapes and silhouettes add even more interest.


  1. This might be the greatest collection of all time. I adore every single one of these pieces. Amazing. Thank you for sharing.
    It would mean the world to me if you could check out my latest post!
    Morgan Brooks

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