mi familia: perez

calivintage: my grandparents

over the weekend, i took the long drive down to southern california to visit family in redlands. my mom and aunt have been building the family tree and learning about our ancestry, so naturally, our history was a big topic of discussion while i was  there. my grandparents were both born in redlands only a few blocks away from each other. they’ve now been married for almost 60 years. my grandmother laughed and joked that the secret to a long relationship is lots of fighting and lots of making up. she said that without love, you wouldn’t fight, and you wouldn’t find yourselves making up over and over again.

i asked them if they’d pose for a portrait in front of their house, and couldn’t help but sneak in a few candid shots between their stern, old school portrait poses. gilbert “jerry” perez and evalina roque perez.

you can view more posts featuring my beautiful family right here.

calivintage: my grandparents


  1. so beautiful! i just went through your family tag, what a testament to your beautiful family. so many stories in those photographs. thanks for sharing.

  2. Well here’s hoping the advice of someone who’s been married so long is sound advice. It sounds good to me! And I must also comment on the awesomeness of your grandfather’s moustache!

  3. Erin this almost made me cry thinking of my Mama Trini and Papa Fred, their stern pose faces in the portrait hanging in the living room when I was a kid. They both died when I was young and now my mom is gone too…you are so blessed to have your grandparents still around. I LOVE this post and the obvious pride and affection you show for your family all throughout the blog.

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