video time

today i thought i’d share a couple of diy videos i recently made for modcloth. i’ve gotten into the habit of bedazzling things, so this was the outcome of two such endeavors after trips to the local craft store. they’re mostly to be silly, but i also think they’re fun interpretations on trends i’ve seen around. i really want to make myself a pair of decorated sunglasses that are a little more subtle than the examples shown here. good thing i have plenty of silly little embellishments left over from these projects!

also a big thanks to jon brown for filming and editing these videos. he’s the same guy who helped me with my public bikes video a few months back. such a swell dude!


  1. Hihi, fun videos! And great DIY’s :). I’ve got the same clutch you’re wearing in the second video,
    only in white. It used to be my grandma’s.

  2. Loving the sunglasses video! I found a pair of awesome black cat eyes and I was thinking of sprucing them up, so the video as a good dose of inspiration. What you did to the cloud glasses is wonderful!

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