bbq baby

calivintage: bbq baby

today i thought i’d share a set of personal photos taken on my trip to visit family in southern california last month. as is the tradition for most family gatherings, we all go to my grandma’s house and fire up the grill to bbq steak, burgers, or hotdogs which we enjoy with baked beans and my grandma’s famous potato salad. i love how looking back at these photos, our cool shades of white and blue make us look like we aren’t breaking a sweat leaning over the hot grill in 100 degree weather, haha. during the middle of summer in redlands, highs easily reach up to 110 or more, so it gets pretty brutal standing over the hot grill. but we set up the chairs under a shady tree in anticipation of the delicious outcome.

above, my brother let me do the honors of grilling the steak.

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the simplest of outfits are required to keep cool. i’m wearing a cotton seersucker american apparel sun dress and vintage navy salvatore ferragamo vara flats.

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old man king. he is getting so gray!

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my grandparent’s house. the house next door is actually where my grandmother grew up. now her brother lives there and she is next door.

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my grandpa is always working on projects around the yard. this is his little work shed.

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the essentials.

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my brother patiently watching the grill.

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calivintage: bbq baby
calivintage: bbq baby
calivintage: bbq baby
brendan had the hardest time with the heat.

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i am mildly obsessed with his steven alan bug print shirt.

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this might be the cutest photo ever. my grandma clocks in at a teeny tiny 4’11” while brendan is about 6’1″.

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moments after my aunt julie said i look like a stepford wife showing off the finished product. ha!

for more posts from visits to my hometown of redlands, you can click here.


  1. cute! isn’t the heat down here unbearable? it’s even worse this week. i don’t work at the american apparel in victoria gardens anymore though. i work at anthropologie and at denm in downtown redlands! have you had a chance to check out my new blog? i moved it from blogger :)

  2. I love this! Your family sounds wonderful :) I am the same way about grilling in the heat…soooooo hard! The finished product is worth it though. haha. Love your dress! I need to get a nice cool dress like that for outdoor days.

  3. Aww Erin! I always love seeing your personal photos (not that I don’t enjoy your normal outfit posts because I adore those too), but this is such a great way to see another side of you! I love your cute and simple outfit–so perfect for the occassion! I always leave your blog with such crazy hair envy too :) Hope you’re doing well!

  4. Love these pictures so much! Seems like a wonderful (if a bit hot) day! Your dress is beautiful; though I’m a huge American Apparel fan, I’ve never seen it before.

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