more than a feeling swarovski giveaway

calivintage + polyvore + swarovski

today i am decked out in my most romantic getup in honor of my latest partnership with polyvore + swarovski as a host of the more than a feeling contest. and the feeling of the day is love. when i think of love, i immediately picture all of those silly romantic and indulgently excessive things in life, like flowers and chocolates and lace and cake! so what could be more fitting than pulling on a lacy dress to prance around in the rose garden? whenever i stroll through this particular park near my house, there always seems to be some fun photo shoot going on for engagements, weddings, sweet sixteens, or just because. little girls with flowers in their hair, or couples giggling as the photographer directs them to gaze into each other’s eyes. it may be a silly sight, but we all have to indulge in our romantic side every once in a while.

if you’re feeling romantic, then swarovski wants to know: what do you wear to express your love? create a polyvore collage inspired by this sappy sentiment (see my example below) to be entered for a chance to win the swarovski emoti love. i’ll be looking through all of the entries and judging the winner, so i can’t wait to see what you all come up with.  click here to enter!

calivintage + polyvore + swarovski
calivintage + polyvore + swarovski
calivintage + polyvore + swarovski
calivintage + polyvore + swarovski
calivintage + polyvore + swarovski

p.s. if you’re interested in what i’m wearing, the dress is vintage and the shoes were a t.j.maxx score.


  1. I love romantic inspiration when choosing clothes. It was surprising to see that dress on you since it¡’s quite different from you usual style, but loved it!

    1. i’m so glad you found me, and thank you for the kind words! i don’t use effects in my photos, it’s just the light filtering through the trees. we often wait until just the right time of day to get those really dreamy effects and light flares in the camera.

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