outfit: outside lands

calivintage: festival fashion

despite the record-breaking warm temperatures in most of the bay area, if you found yourself heading a few miles west to golden gate park for the outside lands festival over the weekend, then you found yourself wrapped in a blanket of fog. or if you were me, wrapped in a blanket dress. leaving oakland each morning sweating in the bright shining sun, it was hard for me to contemplate the fact that my destination would be so chilly. i spent three days at the festival shooting street style for free people, so it was important for me to dress comfortably while still maintaining enough movement to chase after cute festival-goers with my camera in hand. i recently picked up this little quilted number with the intention of saving it for the warm fall months, but the fickle san francisco weather offered me an opportunity to wear it right away. it might be a little dress, but the thick quilted layers kept me warm enough for forgo a heavy jacket for most of the day, kinda like the vintage version of those little down vests that people wear while camping. and the fun pattern coupled with the ascot tie and ankle boots made me feel a bit like robin hood. all i needed was a little feathered cap, ha! certainly appropriate for traipsing around in the lush forested golden gate park!

equipment brett silk blouse on sale at marshalls | vintage quilted dress from moon zoom vintage in santa cruz, ca | rachel comey mars boots

calivintage: festival fashion
calivintage: festival fashion
calivintage: festival fashion
calivintage: festival fashion
calivintage: festival fashion


  1. i love the look of this outfit, and me makes me want to be able to wear long sleeves and ankle boots even more. i tried sleeves last week thinking i could outsmart this southeast heat and humidity, but i ended up just looking like a dummy and feeling like i stepped out of a bath tub ;)

    1. haha, i have been trying to do the opposite! i keep thinking that if i wear sundresses and sandals that i will somehow will san francisco to be warm and sunny, but no matter how hard i try, it won’t listen. maybe we should switch places for a couple of weeks!

    1. haha it’s not as awesome as it looks because half the time i get dressed for summer and then end up freezing my ass off, haha! but i know what you mean. the heat of a place like redlands gets so exhausting that it makes the coming fall season even more appealing!

  2. this little dress is so cute! i found a dress from the 60s or 70s a few weeks ago with a long quilted maxi skirt just like this, with a velvet long-sleeved top… i live in canada and even i can’t think of a time it would EVER be cold enough for a dress like that, haha.

    1. ooh, that dress sounds like a dream! being the soft californian that i am, i would probably need a dress like that if i ever found myself in the chilly temperatures in canada. cold to me is like 60 degrees, haha!

  3. Sweet outfit. As a “soccer mom” I know what it’s like to be hit with all kinds of weather while sitting outdoors…sometimes strong hot sun followed by cold rain all within one game. We wear t-shirts, but bring along sweaters, umbrellas, sunscreen, blankets. You just never know!

  4. I stayed in Oakland this weekend and visited SF so I know exactly what you mean! It was my first time visiting the area and I definitely did not want to leave. I miss it already. So jealous you live there.

  5. Erin, those boots are so cute! A very mod, 60’s-esque outfit! I know you’re a Leah Goren fan too, so take a look at my blog if you can! I just did a post in my own cat print dress, I’m in love with it!

    1. thanks! i was definitely looking to the ’60s and ’70s for my outfit inspiration over the weekend, in homage to music festivals of the past. also you look absolutely darling in your cat print dress! i love it!

  6. Oh my gosh I got there and was SO COLD -I couldn’t bear to wear anything but jeans, flannels, jackets and a knit hat! I was trying to find you but couldn’t. Anyways you look so darling as usual! I love Moon Zoom (there’s a good one in San Jose too!) Anyways, I hope you had a ton of fun : )

    1. aw, it’s too bad we didn’t run into each other, but it was such madness that i couldn’t even connect with some of my friends that i was texting with! it was just so crowded and crazy and cold and exhausting haha. but in the best way possible. also i have yet to venture into the san jose area for thrifting/vintage and i’m so curious to check it out and see if they have good stuff, so thanks for the tip!

  7. Love the way you’ve styled this dress! I once wore a shift dress this way as well but didn’t think it suited me… may try again one day. It looks absolutely adorable on you though!

    x Aliya

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