outfit: nyfw day 5

calivintage: nyfw day 5

fast-forwarding a bit to day five of new york fashion week. on this particular day, i couldn’t decide whether i more closely resembled a giant slice of american cheese, or a creamsicle. many people referred to the latter, so i’ll gladly take it. i had actually been eying this dress on etsy for weeks, but kept holding back because i wasn’t quite sure if i could pull off such a bright orange hue. i found myself so oddly drawn to it that i finally decided to take the plunge and just get it. it’s definitely an eye catching color, but i really like the fun, free-spirited vibe of it. and sometimes it’s nice to dress a bit like a silly cartoon character from the 1960s.

wearing: 1960s vintage orange lace trapeze dress, thrifted vintage shoes, coach classics handbag

calivintage: nyfw day 5
calivintage: nyfw day 5

photos shot by rebecca of the clothes horse.


  1. My first thought was cantaloupe!
    We have a similar frame, and I am always a bit hesitate about shifts, because I am not sure that they flatter my curvy figure/larger chest, but I think you have inspired to give them a change. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

    1. yeah, shift/tent dresses aren’t the world’s most flattering on a larger bust, but i also have a very short waist and am on the petite side, so they work ok for me as long as they are in a shorter length and aren’t snug at the hip. you should definitely try a few styles, you might be surprised to discover that they’re easier to wear than you think! ;)

  2. Wow! That dress was such a great find! I love the color…and of course the lace :) This whole look from head to toe is perfect. Those shoes & coach back are a nice complement to the vivid orange. And no, you do NOT look like a dreamsicle! You’re much prettier than that lol.

    Just found your blog and I’m now following through GFC and bloglovin.

    xoxo Azu


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