outfit: summer’s end

calivintage: muted hues

ahh, it feels good to be almost back to my normal routine. this weekend, i stayed close to home for some much-needed house cleaning and spent a good several hours clearing out the closet and sweeping up the dust that had been collecting in all the little corners of my apartment. and on sunday, i even made the trip over to berkeley bowl, a very fancy natural foods store nearby, to stock-up the cupboards. i usually avoid going there because it’s always so crowded and you have to defensively navigate the aisles avoiding shopping cart collisions, or waiting impatiently for traffic jams to clear. but the summer is coming to an end, and i’m finding myself on a bit of a health kick after feasting for months on too much bbq and boozy drinks.

i also decided to clear out my color palette a bit for my last guest post over at the dahlia uk blog. this is my third look for them, styled around this darling green pinafore. i usually wear a lot of navy blue, so i decided to challenge myself a little and  try something new. to me, these muted tones represent these early fall months that feel a bit more like summer here in the bay area, but still hint at the shorter days and soft light that fills the sky in the evenings.

wearing: maisy pinafore dress courtesy of dahlia uk, j.crew silk blouse, vintage t-straps from pretty penny vintage, dooney & bourke medium flower bucket bag on sale at marshalls, ysl fard a levres rouge pur in rosy coral

calivintage: muted hues
calivintage: muted hues
calivintage: muted hues
calivintage: muted hues
calivintage: muted hues
calivintage: muted hues


  1. Love both the muted tones in the outfit as well as the fabulous light in the photos! You captured summer transitioning into fall so well :)

    And I know what you mean about Berkeley Bowl feeling like a roller derby. I usually go to Rainbow Co-Op in SF, and there’s a similar feel. You’d think healthy people would be patient and calm, but no…

    1. haha, so true! people always defensively stand in front of the selection so you have to wait until they are done, or else they crash right into your with their carts and claim they didn’t see you there… i know it seems so odd, but it’s the environment is far less polite than my experience in other grocery stores. i also always find myself completely disoriented by the vast selection. it’s awesome, but terribly stressful for such a mundane activity!

  2. I’m actually slowly becoming obsessed with muted colors, and getting rid of most of my brighty Mcbright brights! I’m in love with your top not, you’re such a cutie! Its so hard to say goodbye to your short hair tho :’)

    1. hehe, i am slowly learning how to add more of those bright colors to my wardrobe. i like colors (muted, bright, whatevs), but somehow i always end up with these really simple, mostly navy-based outfits for some reason.

      also, i’m pretty sure i’m gonna cut it back to the bob in a couple of months. i just want to be able to wear heidi braids, which i think i’ll be able to achieve in a month or so. once i’ve got that out of my system, i think i’m gonna go back. this might sound silly, but i just feel so ‘normal’ and femme with longer hair and it just doesn’t feel quite right. i like it but i think i prefer a look that’s a bit more bold, you know?

  3. Oh me, oh my! You look so adorable! I’m loving the pastel colors and the bow detail on the pinafore. This could totally work as a Spring outfit as well!

  4. Lovely, just lovely! The pinafore is wonderful, the tiny little bows kill me, and I love all the colours of your outfit. You’ve captured that soft autumn light perfectly. (I also adore your shoes, t-bars are the best thing ever.)
    I agree about having to push oneself to not fall back on ‘safe’ colours. Navy is such an easy colour to choose every day of autumn.

  5. I just found your beautiful blog and I’m a bit obsessed. Loving this look! The neutral with neon and the cute girly dress…it’s just perfect. Great style girl!


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