outfit: animal instincts


fall has officially arrived in the bay area. i’m definitely a summer girl at heart, but there is something quite wonderful about bundling up on cozy clothes and curling up on the couch with a hot toddy. fall food is definitely high on my list of favorite things. i’m the type of girl who prefers warm oatmeal over cold cereal and steaming hot soup over cold cuts. and while i don’t enjoy my cold fingertips, i certainly don’t mind wrapping them around a warm mug. and i’ve been wrapping myself in my trusty leopard print coat! it’s one of those pieces that seems to make such a statement all on it’s own, but that also seems to go with just about everything in my wardrobe. and on this particular day, i decided to play with textures. leopard, lace, and crocodile. though i promise no animals were harmed in the making of this outfit!

wearing: asos eyelet dress from last spring, vintage leopard print coat from secret shop vintage, vintage mary janes from pretty penny vintage

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  1. Those shoes are marvelous! And you’ve convinced me to keep my leopard coat for one more season! I absolutely adore them both! For me fall is the best, are you a summer baby? I always feel like you love the season you were born in the most!

  2. I absolutely adore your coat! Funnily enough I would have thought leopard print would be hard to match but you definitely make it look effortless so I’m beginning to see what you mean :) I also agree on the cold hands/warm mug front…I’m the kind of person who brings a hot water bottle to bed in the middle of summer (an Irish summer albeit!) so I love being justified in wrapping up in winter :)

  3. this is the first leopard print I’ve seen that isn’t overly thick and fuzzy and awkwardly bulky. this one looks like a cute fit AND a cute pattern! how great!

  4. Your coat is beautiful! I was just craving one since it’s gotten much colder recently. And here you are…wearing one of the most gorgeous coats I’ve seen all season!

    I’m a summer girl as well, but also enjoy the perks of cooler weather. Hot cocoa is a must for me (as well as chinky knits & tall boots).

    xoxo Azu

  5. Your leopard print coat is just so cool! My grandma gave me an old one that I think belonged to her mother. Sadly it’s a bit big on me and kind of swallows me in its leopard-y awesomeness. But maybe I’ll make it work someday!

  6. I love the coat! There is a leopard print coat I always look at when I’m at one of my favorite vintage stores, but I always tell myself I don’t need it and put it back down. You might have convinced me that I need it!


  7. Hi !

    First, excuse my english. I live in France and I totally love your clothing style and your lovely tattoos.

    I’m looking for this kind of coat, it makes me think of Restless!

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