outfit: mountain town

calivintage: mountain town

after visiting snow line farms in oak glenn, i decided to continue my little walk down memory lane with a stop at mountain town. another spot filled with childhood memories, this campy little roadside attraction is a self-proclaimed “animal museum.” for three dollars, you can enter into a another world, which is equal parts creepy and fascinating. this little habitat is complete with stucco mountains, taxidermy animals, and real-live caged reptiles and birds. i suppose it might seem rather odd that i would be so enamored of this strange place, but perhaps that’s just the biproduct of a being raised on books by edward gorey and films like the dark crystal.

i snapped a few too many pictures to document the memory and am already scheming another trip for a proper editorial-style shoot! anyone looking to do a creepy look book?

wearing: j.crew sweater dress, ralph lauren oxford shirt from marshall’s, coach classics shoulder bag, cream knee socks from marshall’s, vintage mary janes from pretty penny vintage

calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town
calivintage: mountain town


  1. You are so right, this is half creepy half amazing. I just came back from a mountain weekend with my family, and these pictures are even making me miss the large elk head in our cabin (which I have to say, I hated while I was actually there)! I love the mod black and white outfit and would love to see a lookbook shot here!
    Happy Monday!
    xo Hannah

  2. ha! this is fantastic. there was a little museum like this on my college campus and we lobed taking photos there. you could even rent out some animals for ‘art projects’ and my cousin rented them all out for her wedding reception. it somehow worked really well.

  3. Mountain Town still looks the same! It hasn’t changed! I loved going to Oak Glen as a child! So many neat things to do! It’s ’bout time I pay another visit! Lovely post, nostalgic to the core!

  4. These photos are awesome! The first one does look like a lookbook. There seems to be so many cool places to visit in California. I would love to travel the entire state one day xx

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