outfit: oak glen

calivintage: oak glen

things have been silent the past week here on the blog. last monday, i quietly slipped out of town for a visit to southern california to see family, and decided to use the time for a bit of an internet break. i was working remotely for part of my stay, but the rest of the time was reserved for some quality time with family. i didn’t even take outfit pictures except during a day trip to oak glen for mini apple cider donuts! the weather was excruciatingly hot until sunday, when the clouds rolled in and we got some real california fall weather. so we hopped in the car to visit the apple orchards and take in the local sights.

i remembered snow line farms from my childhood. a silly little attraction in oak glen renowned for their mini apple cinnamon donut-making machine. so of course, we waited patiently in line to place our orders and enjoy piping hot donuts on a park bench in the crisp evening weather. i wore a very simple black, cream, and white outfit that seemed to contrast brightly against the apple trees.

wearing: j.crew sweater dress, ralph lauren oxford shirt from marshall’s, coach classics shoulder bag, cream knee socks from marshall’s, vintage mary janes from pretty penny vintage

calivintage: oak glen
calivintage: oak glen
calivintage: oak glen
calivintage: oak glen
calivintage: oak glen
calivintage: oak glen
calivintage: oak glen
calivintage: oak glen


  1. Mmm…those donuts look delicious! They’re adorable too :)

    Very cute outfit. Your knee socks are a great touch to this look. They look lovely with your shoes!



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