weekend adventures

weekend away

weekend away by calivintage

after being out of town all last week, i decided to take it easy and stay close to home this weekend. but with the beautiful blue skies and crisp fall weather, i found myself dreaming of a weekend away in a rustic cabin overlooking the ocean in some secluded spot along the northern california coast. i put this little look together imagining what i might wear while sitting on my imaginary front deck sipping coffee and looking out at the misty sea before heading out for sunday brunch at the local diner.

i’ve been having a lot of fun putting outfit collages together over on my polyvore lately. i’ve been having fun finding new folks to follow for inspiration as well, so leave me a link to your profile so i can add you!


  1. I was wondering what brand of shoes these are, I’ve googled every possibility of, bow label questions, trying to find the answer, but my detective work has fallen short! Thanks!

  2. I go in phases with Polyvore, but I always find myself using it as the seasons change to get my head around what I want to be wearing, all the new season clothes, and my own inspiration at the time. I find it works wonders to give yourself a clearer idea of what you like, what you want, and what your “big picture” tastes are. Themes always emerge in what you clip, too!

    Mine is http://whatindienights.polyvore.com/

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