karen walker spring 2013

one spring collection that’s got me swooning is karen walker spring 2013. i’ve long been a fan of her statement sunglasses, but i’m just as enamored with her quirky cute collections. titled “fantastique magnifique,” this collection was filled with retro-futuristic space prints, cool color combinations, and interesting proportions. i love the subtle wink and nod to the past while still keeping things feeling fresh and new. and i can’t wait to get my hands one one of those silly straw hats, which i’ve already pre-ordered for an upcoming trip to a tropical locale!

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  1. The straw hat is so cute! I agree with you – there is so much to adore about this collection. FYI – Karen Walker sunglasses are on super sale via Gilt today. I am really trying to resist.

  2. i love the prints, polka dots, and overall cool sweetness of it all. what’s up with the overlong, shaggy dog, clip-on bangs the models are sporting though? I can’t see their gorgeous eyes. wahhhhh!

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