big sur

last weekend, i quietly celebrated my 30th birthday in a little cabin in the woods. we drove a few hours along the winding california coastline to our destination, the glen oaks motel in big sur. the area is well known for it’s expansive views and stellar hikes, but this particular chilly january weekend was made for nesting in our quiet little abode by the river.

and this trip couldn’t have been planned at a better time. as much as i hate to admit it, life is not always sunshine and roses. my 2013 got off to a bit of a rocky start. i had been dealing with some health issues (that have thankfully been resolved by now), and this trip served as a crucial turning point for me. i think that relaxing by the fire and soaking in a tub beneath the trees was just what the doctor ordered!

i forgot to pull out my camera during most of our adventures, but i did manage to snap some photos of our incredible little cabin. looking back at these photos, i’m already yearning to go back again…

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  1. have only ever stayed at tree bones, this place looks so amazing i might have to make up an excuse to go soon! love your photos, especially the bathtub one :) glad to know you’re feeling better!


  2. Erin,
    That sounds like a splendid way to celebrate your 30th. I am just the same. I would love to quietly celebrate in a gorgeous place like this. I guess it reminds you that you are an introvert.

    Happy birthday.


  3. Beautiful. I stayed at Glen Oaks a couple of years ago and this has brought it all back. Wishing I was back there now. That coastline is possibly the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen.

  4. Oh cool! I stayed there in 2006. It looked totally different inside, though; they must have gotten a makeover. Gorgeous photos of a beautiful place.

  5. Happy belated birthday, Erin! Your trip looks like it was amazing, and I’m so happy to hear it was so refreshing! Here’s to an amazing year, you lovely lady you! XO

  6. anytime a blogger posts about Big Sur I get really jealous and motivated to plan a trip there …. This post might just take the cake in terms of making me feel like i need to see it!

    Beautiful photos!

  7. Beautiful! Goodness, I’m jealous. I miss California so much, and I grew up just 30 miles north of Big Sur, so it gives me a little ache of nostalgia. I, too, have been yearning for a cabin in the woods, and can’t wait for it to get warm enough to go backpacking in the Spring, but I’d love to just sit by a fire with a book and just be, away from everything, for awhile.

  8. Happy Birthday! I just celebrated my 30th too, so nice to be surrounded by such beauty! I’m going to have to stay there next time, I stayed at Deetjens (which I loved, but would have killed for a bath tub). I love Big Sur so much.

  9. Happy belated 30th! What gorgeous pictures and what a beautiful way to celebrate your 30th! I hope your 2013 and your health continue to improve! Stay safe and healthy on your trip to NY!

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