outfit: kauai kitsch

traveling to such a tropical vacation locale like hawaii has many perks: the weather is amazing, the landscape is lush and wild, and you get to pull out all of your most garish clothes to wear unashamedly while lounging poolside drinking mai tai’s. just before i left for my trip, i made a bold step and bought my first hawaiian print dress. much the way i once thought leopard print was too overdone, i’ve always avoided cliche hawaiian prints in favor of more subtle fare. but if there is any time to let go of silly rules, it’s when you’re on vacation in hawaii. so this is my tourist outfit, complete with all of the kitschy themes i could think of: straw baseball cap (a visor would have been pretty awesome, too), bold tropical print, clear plastic espadrilles, and a shade of occ lip tar aptly named ‘grandma.’

wearing: whit silk canopy dress (available here or here), straw baseball cap, orla kiely bagrachel antonoff for bass espadrilles


  1. ha! this is just so cute! I love how chic grandma vibey this feels. I love that shot of your feet- what lens do you use? is the outside curved blur done in camera or in post? I’ve always wondered if that look is a planed technique or a happy mistake, but I really love how it looks when there is an almost motion-blur-like effect round the outter ring- something else in addition to the normal depth of field blur.

    1. just a happy accident, i guess! i shoot with a canon 5d markii and a 50mm f/1.4 lens. and yes, chic grandma all the way! i imagine this outfit would also work pretty well in florida, palm springs, or las vegas.

    1. exactly! pushed me to try something new, and now that i have this dress, i’m excited to wear it when i’m back home as well. last night i pulled on a casual sweater over it and it felt pretty nice.

  2. not really a fan of hawaiian prints but you pulled off this look beautifully. i love how you balance the bold prints and colors with soft neutrals (cap, bag, and sandals). and i must say i super love that subtle lip shade you’re wearing!

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