outfit: sun set

i grew up in the sunny southern california desert. as the spring and summer would approach, the world would get hot and sticky and i’d find myself laying awake in bed at night with the windows open, trying to fall asleep beneath a thin sheet. during the day, i’d escape the heat, sucking on popsicles and sitting in front of the space cooler in our tiny living room. years later, i packed my bags and headed to san francisco. even though i’ve lived here for well over ten years, i still get that aching nostalgia on days when the weather warms up and i can almost smell the sickly sweet orange blossoms in the hot summer sun like i did back home as a kid.

so you’d better bet that i (along with everyone else in san francisco) have been running outside to chase after every bit of warmth and sun while it lasts. these photos were taken on one such day, when we took advantage of the heat and headed out to the edge of the city where golden gate park meets the ocean, a place that’s almost always cold and dreary even on the warmest days. lo and behold, the whole place was alive and active with beach-goers and picnickers enjoying the weather. and while it did cool down quite a bit as the sun started to set, it was still so dreamy to lay in the grass and bask in the warm sun.

wearing: candela alexis lace dress, ugg australia suede cross body bag, vintage suede sandals, vintage sweater, occ lip tar in grandma


  1. I love the way lace looks next to tattoos! I think it’s so pretty.

    I really like your dress…the lighting is perfect too :) We actually used to get really hot nights in the Bay Area. But that was back in the early 90s. I’m sure it’s nothing like a desert. But your description of trying to stay cool at night reminded me of how hot it used to get. I used to actually spray water onto my sheets at night before bed. LOL!

    xo Azu


  2. Gosh, I completely know the feeling, Erin! New Zealand is generally pretty darn amazing weather-wise, but there are certain times where the weather is.. well, I don’t know quite how to describe it! But it completely makes me feel like a kid again, and the weather will remind me so much of Brunei, in South-East Asia, where I grew up. It’s the mugginess I think. My favourite!

    Lost in the Haze

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