outfit: belly poppin’

i’m gone for two weeks and look what happens? sometime during my trip to nyfw, my belly officially “popped.” many people had mentioned this phenomenon, wherein one day you wake up and have suddenly grown a round basketball belly overnight. i kinda didn’t believe that it would happen so abruptly, but the rumors are true. i am now 5 months pregnant (24 weeks!) and the baby belly is here. i figure i’ve entered the “cute stage” where my belly is big enough that i don’t just look like i’ve been eating too many donuts, but it’s not so huge that i look like i’m about to go into labor at any moment. so it seemed like the perfect time to pull out something a little more form-fitting to show off the little man in my belly. it’s also the stage in which every time i pull on another outfit, i’m pretty sure it’s the last time i’ll be able to wear it for many months. saying goodbye to my entire wardrobe is frustrating and the prospect of acquiring new clothes is making my wallet very sad. seriously, i think i have like 5 outfits total right now, boohoo!

i was actually chatting with nicolette, who suggested that i should hold an event (or if i was feeling entrepreneurial, start a service) for pregnant women and recent moms to swap maternity clothes. i mean, i know that whatever i buy in the next few months is only going to fit me for a short period of time, and then i’ll be stuck with a ton of clothes that would be better suited for someone who actually needs them! now that i think of it, i’m sure this type of thing already exists, but i definitely think i need to get in on this action for myself. perhaps i’ll have to pull together an event here in los angeles. anyone interested?

wearing: whit top, lauren moffatt skirt, bryr clogs from nooworksj.w. hulme mini legacy shoulder bag, flowers by alex knost sunglasses courtesy of raen optics, watch courtesy of esq movado


  1. You look great. I agree now is definitely the time to show off your bump. I’m five months pregant too and really starting to show. I know what you mean about having nothing to wear. I just been looking through my wardrobe trying to find something to wear to work tomorrow and I’m seriously struggling. X

  2. Cute! I am 37 weeks with my second, and let me tell you, it just gets worse as time goes on (the finding things to wear I mean). But trust me, the cuteness doesn’t wear off, you just get cuter with time when it comes to that baby bump. You learn to dress around it, dresses, ahem, become tops to wear over leggings, and such. Enjoy, this time, pregnancy is really special!

  3. I hear you about the maternity clothes– when I was pregnant earlier this year I was determined to not turn into a frump so I bought a bunch of maternity dresses on Asos . they’re all pretty reasonably priced and made me feel like I had stuff I would actually like wearing, pregnant or not. I just sold the whole lot on Ebay the last week– a swap would have been much more fun though…
    you are glowing btw! congrats!

  4. I’m in for a swap! Just 13 weeks but it’s baby number 2 so I’m showing sooner than I did before. I have a pile of maternity clothes from before but I’d love to trade them in for new things. That said, you really don’t need much. Once I got used to having a much much smaller selection of clothes, I really liked how easy it was to get dressed in the morning. Splurge on the stuff you’ll wear everyday (for me that was nice jeans) and a really versatile dress. I’m just starting to blog (it’s so beta right now) and it’s all about mom fashion (in a funny kind of way). Maternity clothes posts in the near future… http://momjeans2012.wordpress.com/

  5. I honestly had no money when I was first pregnant and remember so many of my clothes ripping and I had to throw out a lot. I lived in a pair of pregnancy overalls for both of my pregnancies and then gave them to a friend who lived in them for 3 other pregnancies (not sure if she is wearing them for her fourth now, she literally has a baby every year and is so skinny still – gah). I would have loved to have a way to get pregnancy clothes or nice clothes to wear while pregnant like you have. Definitely that would be so nice if you could do something like your friend suggested! I used to dress like a hobo when pregnant (seriously, I looked like a pregnant Holly Hobbie with patchwork skirts with holes in them that I was afraid to leave my home because I was so embarrassed and cried a lot. . ahh poor and pregnant is not fun by the way. Sorry to say all that . hehe. I also had a hard time with tops because I went from an A cup to a Double D when pregnant (shrunk back both times).

  6. Remember that after the baby comes you’ll have a 3-6 month period (unless you’re a movie star with a trainer who shows up at the hospital and only gain 10 pounds) where you aren’t pregnant but you aren’t fitting into regular clothes like you used to. Sometimes the things you wear in the early months will work out for that transitional period as well.

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