maternity style: sunny side up

oh man you guys, i officially feel like a big old oompa loompa. the doctor pushed my due date up to january 2, which means i’m now over 34 weeks along now! and boy am i feeling it. i have slowed down considerably, and doing normal everyday activities is becoming a thing of the past. thankfully the little guy could be here as soon as christmas (fingers crossed!) and since we’re heading into the holidays, i will finally get some precious time off from work before i officially go on maternity leave. it’s going to be nice to visit with family this week and basically just lay on the couch in sweatpants. but i’m still making an effort to get dressed most days, and this is one of my outfits as of late. separates are starting to take over and comfort is ruling my life more than ever. i am really beginning to see how motherhood has the potential to dramatically change my style.

in other news, i am unintentionally growing out my bangs because i’ve been too lazy to go get a haircut. my friend shannon dean (who has been cutting my hair for the past four years), is now living and working here in los angeles at refuge salon in echo park. he’s trimmed my bangs a few times since i got here, but now i’m just letting it grow wild and free. i’m sure i’ll get myself motivated to go back in pretty soon. the only question is, what do i want to do with it next…

wearing: yoko dress courtesy of family affairsh&m cropped top, target maternity jeans, vintage coach bucket bag, bobby pin, woven leather flats courtesy of savers thrift stores


  1. You look so cute! It would be awesome if your baby boy could come during the holidays. Talk about the ultimate Xmas gift! Loving your flowing long locs and side bangs!

  2. You look so great!!! And have just convinced me I need to get some maternity jeans; the band across the top has put me off, but yours look awesome, especially with the cropped sweater. Shitballs, 34 weeks!!!

  3. You are looking so cute. I like your bangs like that. My hair became really lush during pregnancy – then it all fell out postpartum. Ah, the ups and downs of pregnancy.

  4. You look so great!! I have been wondering what to do with my hair too as I don’t know when I’ll have time for haircuts, haha. I can’t believe your due date got pushed up, you could have a lil new years bebe awwww! Glad you’re going to get some rest around the holidays :)

    1. yes! the hair part is tricky. a lot of moms just chop it all off, but i kinda want to hold on to this hair since it will probably never be this nice again. though i’m not looking forward to the part where all of the hair that should have fallen out during my pregnancy just sheds away in the shower…

  5. You look way more beautiful than an oompa loompa, but I know the feeling. I looked like a hobo when I was first pregnant especially and my face got chubby (especially my nose). I refused to be photograph past a certain point in my pregnancies because of how crazy it was. You are beautiful though and just you wait until you will be able to work it all off again too!

    1. aw, thank you! i have definitely gotten to the point where i won’t let anyone take my pictures. for the blog, i can just pick the photos i like and delete the rest of them, but just the other day i had to tell family there was no way they were gonna make me pose for a holiday photo this far along in my pregnancy, haha!

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