adam: week 2


these photos were snapped on my 31st birthday when adam was ten days old. he’s wearing his little party hat! to celebrate, we had family over and we ate guisados tacos (best ever) and drank mimosas. well, i only had a sip of champagne since i was still loaded on pain medication from the c-section. after everyone left, i realized that i still hadn’t gotten a single photo of us together! i guess there are some shots of me on the operating table with him, but they’re not very glamorous.

i have a million more gems that i snapped during his second week of life, but i still haven’t found the time to edit them! in addition to sharing a few photos on my blog, i’m really hoping i can go through and select a few photos each week so i can actually get them printed. in this digital age, i am so worried that my computer will crash or i’ll somehow lose all of the photos if i don’t take the time to sort through and get some printed. same goes for all of the silly instagram outfit photos i’ve been taking. i need to look into a printing service for both so that adam will be able to look back and see these photos when he gets older!



  1. Aww what a cutie, he’s gorgeous! You look amazing as well! Happy belated birthday – you got the best birthday present ever in your wee boy!

  2. Make sure you keep remembering to get pictures of the two of you together – I have hardly any pictures of me with either of mine! Everyone comes to visit and wants a picture of themselves holding the baby. And I know I didn’t go ‘take my picture’ because I was feeling well rough still. But now they’re older, I wish I had more pictures of me with my newborns, eyebags and all.

  3. Wow. You look absolutely beautiful. I can only hope to look as amazing and happy as you after having my first child. Amazing.

  4. I use snapfish. You can just upload all of your photos to the site and print them as you go. They will store an unlimited amount of photos as long as you make one purchase per year, easy. I upload my SD cards and organize them by month and make photo books and order prints as needed. Its a great site and I have tested their photo quality, ive made so many photo books and ordered prints, also 8x10s come out great. I use delivery, never pick up thru walgreens/cvs, etc. This site has much better quality than those in-store prints. Plus they are always having some sort of sale or promotion.
    Hope this will help to take those photo worries off your mind…

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