adam: week 18


i know, i know. you’ve seen this hat three times already… we’re just getting good mileage out of it! that and it’s just a matter of what ends up getting photographed more. i swear, he wears other stuff (see also: my instagram)! i guess he was just more willing to sit still whenever i put him in that hat. maybe it’s like when you put a harness on a cat and they suddenly just lay there motionless? i kid, i kid.

anyway, i’m pretty much caught up on these weekly posts, which means i won’t be doubling up on them any more! and i promise that next week he won’t be wearing a sailor hat.


  1. Ahh so adorable. I love that sailor hat. It’s so lovely that you’re documenting this, I hope that when/if I eventually have children I’m as good as doing this as you!

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