no bangs

i’m not saying i’m going to grow out my bangs, but while going through super old inspiration folders the other day, i came across a few looks that tempted me for the first time in five years. back before i started blogging, i briefly sported almost the exact same look as above, complete with nerdy glasses and a black headband. total coincidence. but i’ve always kept that image tucked away to remember.

the thing is, i have a really big forehead. i’m not trying to be self-deprecating, those are just the facts. so having bangs is a nice way to balance out my face. and i can pull off really blunt and angular cuts, so that’s usually my default. but sometimes you just want a change, you know?

ah the age old debate. to bang or not to bang, that is the question.

above: trendi finland, 2009.

margaret howell.



  1. i had straight bangs for a long time… like, years. but they can make faces look a little fuller, for better or for worse. i have been growing mine out and parting them in the middle. super 1970’s style! i like it. they’re now about at my chin, and i dig it.

    for the record, i love your bangs!

  2. I’ve had bangs for so long I don’t remember how I look without them. I’ve finally decided to grow them about and I’m going on 6 months. It’s brutal!

  3. Having this debate with myself lately as well. Thinking I may try to grow them out and if I hate it they will be chopped again.

  4. I keep coming back to that Margaret Howell ad, the styling is perfect. This might be a myth that us small-foreheaded bang wearers believe, but doesn’t the length of your forehead, and therefore the length of your bangs, allow for a more seamless putting your hair to the side? I re-cut my bangs after a few bang-less years, and I’m currently enjoying the idea of having a permanent, wash and go hairstyle, although the blank canvas of the same length long hair is sometimes just as appealing. Regardless of what you do, I’m sure you’ll look fantastic – did you know western European medieval women would shave the bang section of their hair to make their forehead look more prominent?

  5. I am currently in the process of growing my bangs (they are about to my shoulders now so they are technically not bangs anymore). I am so in love with bangs and whenever I grow them out I cut them before they reach to the place where they are now. I’ve made it pretty far that means to not cut them, but I get tempted! haha. I feel my hair lately is in a rut and boring stage. I am in a boring stage. That is why i have no outfit posts in a long time (that and no ability to buy clothes at all when my sons need clothes more than I do). Lovely photos posted of no bangs!

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