
since having adam, i’ve spent a lot of time at home. i’m on an extended leave from work so i can take care of him, and it’s the first time that i’ve spent so much time in the house in the past three-and-a-half years since starting my day job. the first couple of months were spent recovering and just soaking up all of that wonderful newborn magic. i didn’t really get bored or anxious because i was so wrapped up in baby world. i still am for the most part, but lately i’ve gotten a serious crafting itch.

growing up, i was constantly surrounded by arts and crafts projects. my mom was always working on various projects and setting me up with things to do of my own. cross-stitch, crochet, sewing, painting, weaving, rug hooking, you name it. i learned to be patient, sitting at the kitchen table or on the couch with a tedious little project in hand. my mom always nearby to help me if i got stuck. so perhaps having a baby has awoken some long dormant nostalgia for those days spent with my mom. i scroll through pinterest and find myself interested in picking up all of those old hobbies, something to do with my hands between baby naps and walks around the neighborhood.

i already finished my first sewing project last week, and i’ve been hankering to make a trip downtown to the garment district to pick up some fancy new fabrics like raw silk and linen to make a few simple tops and things. now i just have to reign it in or else i’m going to end up with an explosion of unfinished projects piling up around me!

above: photo by jennifer causey

the purl bee.

susan jameson.


the purl bee. can i get away with sewing a baby bonnet for adam? i’m thinking chambray could work.

a pair & a spare.

the etsy blog.


    1. oh that’s good to hear. even though he definitely looks like a boy, i still get a lot of people thinking he’s a girl because i dress him in neutral colors and don’t really “gender” him all that much. sometimes when i tell them he’s a boy, people scrunch up their noses at me! so silly, but it makes me hesitate sometimes when i wanna dress him like a little fancy lad, haha!

  1. if you ever pick up knitting needles erin, you know where to find me, i would love to send you some patterns. (& i’m hoping to make mini-sizes aka toddler of some of the gnd staples.) ps. i love that one-piece/jumper you made, it is inspiring me to think about trying sewing again. tara-lynn

    1. i might just have to take you up on that! and i love the idea of making mini pieces for the little ones. now that i have my baby, i always find myself more willing to spend money on him than myself! i bet a lot of moms (and friends and family members) do the same thing!

  2. You should check out Sew LA in Atwater. They have an amazing and unique fabric selection and offer classes for some really cool projects.

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