outfit: easy does it

hard to believe that we’re fast approaching winter and that christmas is less than two weeks away. this time of year always seems to speed up and pass me by before i even know what hit me! i don’t feel anywhere near prepared for christmas day, and i’m just barely keeping up with my normal responsibilities. but isn’t that the way it goes? this year has definitely been a lesson in efficiency for me. i’ve had to learn how to get ready in the morning with a fussy little baby who would much rather be held in my arms than watching me attempt to swipe some blush on my cheeks or mascara on my lashes. i’ve had to learn how to do virtually everything with a baby propped on my hip. and i certainly don’t have the luxury of staring wistfully into my closet, trying to think of what to wear every morning. my closet, much like the rest of my life, has been arranged into a foolproof arsenal of essential goods to help me get through the day. shirt dresses? check! easy jacket? check! flats and low heels? they’re all lined up in coordinating colors! and this is one of those outfits. it’s a trusty standby that gets me through the day feeling good. the primary function is to keep me comfortably clothed while taking care of a baby and going about my daily business, but it’s got just enough style that i feel pulled together and ready to embrace the day.

vintage raw silk shirt dress
vintage denim jacket
asos wool fedora
rachel comey mars boots
clare v. messenger
the runwell watch courtesy of shinola


  1. As a new mom myself, the direction your style has taken since you’ve had Adam really speaks to my (changing) sensibility. It’s like everything in my closet feels too fussy and I’m craving elegant simplicity and utilitarian beauty. Would love to hear more about your beauty routine, actually. Happy holidays!

    1. it really makes you realize how much lifestyle affect the way we dress. i didn’t know i was going to change my style so much, but i feel like it’s an appropriate shift for this new phase in my life.

      and i’ve totally been meaning to write a new beauty post! but i’m gonna outline it here just because i don’t know when i’ll get to it! lately i’ve been using first aid beauty skin rescue red clay cleanser. i like that or the kiehl’s ultra facial cleaner because they’re both very rich and creamy, and they remove dirt and oil, but don’t leave your skin over dry. i’ve also recently become obsessed with the new glossier products, in particular, the rosewater spray, the priming moisturizer, and balm dot com. in that order.

      for makeup, i use bareminerals bareskin liquid foundation. i just apply a couple of drops with my hands, i don’t even use the brush. i don’t currently have a favorite concealer, but i always dab something just under my eyes or on blemishes and then set with powder. right now i have nars cream concealer and it does the trick. after that, it’s a dab of cream blush by rms on the cheeks, and several coats of benefit they’re real mascara.

      if i have time, i might apply strategic highlighter (also rms) and do a classic cat eye liner using urban decay 24/7 waterproof liquid eyeliner. that’s pretty much it! writing it out sounds like a lot, but they’re all very sheer and minimal. it just kinda freshens me up so i feel like a human!

      1. Sounds like a pretty sweet and mageable routine! I think I’ve transferred some of my love for fashion to beauty and have been reading intothegloss *a lot* lately. Definitely wanna try a few new things (primers/BB creams instead of foundation, proper use of toner) and wish Glossier was available in Canada.
        My major style concession post-baby has been to cut my hair to my chin, which actually works pretty well with my bangs. I think I’ve successfully avoided a ‘mom cut’ by avoiding the inverse bob style…

        1. haha, oh yeah, i was really hesitant to cut my hair short again after i had adam! i hate how there is even a thing called a “mom cut,” just one more thing to make us feel bad about ourselves!

          if you want to try the glossier stuff, you can have it sent to me and i’ll mail it to you! let me know! erin@calivintage.com

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