happy birthday, adam!


oh man, it’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since my little dude was born! i still remember the day we brought him into this world as if it were yesterday. but here we are, celebrating our little one-year-old boy. i’ve never been one to get into party-planning, i hate celebrating my own birthday, and even decided to forgo a baby shower before adam was born. but obviously, i changed my tune when it came to celebrating the big number one! i still wanted to keep things simple, but i also wanted it to be special. so after much hemming and hawing, i decided to rent a cute little cottage in the mountains for the weekend, so we could have a few days to celebrate. my mom and sister came with me and we made all of the decorations by hand. and on the big day, we served tacos hot off the grill, and i decorated a bunch of tiny cakes just for the occasion. we sang happy birthday, and adam cried when everyone applauded, but quickly changed his tune when we gave him his smash cake, which he very delicately broke into. and when it was time to open presents, he squealed with delight over each and every gift. it really was a great show. i am so happy that it went off without a hitch, we survived the stress of it all, and were able to enjoy celebrating adam’s first year with family. so here’s to many more birthdays to come!

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  1. I, too, find it hard to believe that it’s been a year! I remember reading when he was almost here and then here. He is sooo cute! I always love seeing babies grow. Happy birthday Adam!

    Was that his smash cake? I love those kinds of sprinkles!

    1. isn’t it crazy? before adam was born, i started to get inklings of what it would be like as some of my favorite bloggers started having babies. now here i am. oh how time flies!

      and yes! lucky little dude got a cake all to his own. i think the sprinkles are the best part!

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