life lately

if you haven’t noticed, january is officially the month of adam around here. as soon as the holidays ended, i hit the ground running when i realized that i only had a week to plan his first birthday party! we pulled it off, and i couldn’t have been happier, but all of the stress and anticipation and ups and downs must have left me susceptible because both adam and i have been sick all week with a nasty bug. at first i thought it was the flu because adam had a bit of a fever, but now i’m thinking it was just a bad cold. either way, we’ve been resting all week on our “mandatory staycation” and are finally starting to get back to normal.

so 2015 is off to a bit of a rocky start. i’m not feeling glum at all, but i am feeling pretty overloaded. i’ve hardly had any time to keep up with work and emails, and i’m not anywhere near back to my normal blogging schedule. and it’s my birthday in only a few days! we have a little getaway planned for this weekend, but i almost don’t feel like i’m ready for it! i still have a million and one things to do this month, including a nursery makeover for adam’s room, which i was kinda hoping to complete and photograph before he turned a year old. i guess the universe is trying to tell me to chill out and take a breather, but i’m fighting it like mad. i just want to go go go, and i have so many ideas and plans that it makes it hard to take a step back and just chill out!

above is a shot of adam wearing the cutest little hansel from basel socks. he’s not quite walking on his own yet, but he’s just about the age where i get to put him in fun shoe and sock combinations like this. 


  1. i hear ya, so far 2015 has kicked me in the ass, w/ some bad luck i hadn’t expected, so i’m learning to just be less hard on myself & find empowerment & positive vibes from those loved ones around me. best in 2015 erin & happy birthday SOON

    1. well, here’s to hoping that 2015 gets a little bit easier for both of us from here on out! in other news, i’m shooting pictures of adam in his hats this weekend! i am not even exaggerating when i say that i feel honored to be able to own such beautiful pieces.

    1. ah, you are so right! i feel like i am always happier when i stop resisting and just sorta give in to whatever is happening in the moment. it’s a hard exercise for me, but one that i am always working on. thank you!

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