need supply co. pre-spring 2015


i’m gonna tell you right now, i’m not anywhere near being ready for spring. just looking at these photos is making me feel pretty anxious about all of the fall clothes hanging in my wardrobe that i have yet to wear. i have to be patient because we’re not even through the coldest months yet, but i can already tell the spring lookbooks are gonna be tempting me. case in point: the need supply co. pre-spring  2015 lookbook has got be feeling all sorts of feelings. clean white against that perfect shade of indigo blue that i can’t get enough of, the splashes of cool peachy nudes, and the simple styling. doesn’t it just make all of your fall clothes feel so blah?

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  1. So crazy, I was just drooling over this before heading over here”¦ you must be channeling NeedSupply right now! I am especially smitten with the silk head scarf and all the denim”¦ ah, perfection!

    By the way, I meant to comment but didn’t have time ”” you’ve been killing it with your looks lately. I’ve loved every single one.

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