thirteen months

well, it finally happened. after thirteen months of carrying around this extremely large baby, i finally injured my back. it’s just a strain, but if you’ve ever hurt your back, you’ll know how much it still totally sucks! much like when me and adam both came down with a nasty cold at the same time last month, being sick or injured is a million times more challenging when you’ve got a little one to care for. he’s at a very clingy stage, which is totally normal, but i can’t exactly bend over and lift him up! i know i need to stay down for at least a couple of days if i want to heal, and thankfully i’ve got family members taking shifts to help me take a break. so of course, i’m propped up at the computer editing photos! i shot these a couple of weeks ago at the elementary school near our house. brendan usually takes adam there on weekends to explore the playground. i’m actually surprised how often we have the whole place to ourselves! adam gets to roam free in the big grass field, or else we help him maneuver his way around the play structure.

and can we talk about his vintage sweater set? i’ve recently fallen down the vintage baby clothing rabbit hole. there are a ton of sellers on instagram who post new items daily. i’m actually lucky that it’s so much harder to find cool vintage baby boy clothes or i might be out of control. the girl stuff is crazy good. it’s taking all of my strength not to start collecting darling little ’60s baby dresses for a girl that i don’t even have haha!

wearing: japanese vintage sweater and hat set from vintagenthings, levi’s knit leggings, hansel from basel mini puff dot crew socks, handmade leather moccs that i picked up from kissui, our favorite local baby boutique!


  1. aww he looks so adorable! I’m scared to check out vintage baby clothes as I’m sure, like you say, it’d be a rabbit hole! I hope your back eases up soon – they sure do get heavy quickly don’t they?!

  2. Adam is getting so big! What a cutie! Sorry to hear about your back! I pulled my back recently while picking up my 12 month old as well :( Now I always have to remember to use my legs when I bend down. Feel better soon!

    The MAMA Gazette

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