outfit: outdoor inspiration

after all of the upheaval of moving into our new place over the last couple of weeks, i’m finally starting to settle back into a normal routine. there’s still tons of work left to do, but i try to make a little bit of time to work on creative projects to keep myself sane. so when hp sent me the new sprout and challenged me to create something with this new technology, i was more than ready for the opportunity to get creative. this new all-in-one computer combines a regular pc with a 3d camera, a touch mat, and a touch screen, transforming your desk’s surface into a digital-physical workspace. being the very hands-on person that i am, i was pretty excited to give it a try. so after brainstorming a bit, i decided to bring some of the outdoors in, and i headed out to my aunt’s garden to forage for natural objects to scan into the computer. you simply place on object on the touch mat, and the computer scans your image so you can start creating.

at first, i was a little overwhelmed with all of the possibilities. you can use the images to create greetings or invites, you can scan in fabric swatches to create moodboards for interior design, or you can create digital scrapbooks with photos and small objects. the possibilities are limitless, so i really had to reign myself in for my first project. but after playing around with some of the foliage, i decided to create my very own custom print for fabric! it’s something i’ve always wanted to do, but always seemed a bit too complicated before now. i just sent my pattern out to be printed using spoonflower, and should expect the fabric to arrive in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned for part two of my project very soon!

the post was created in partnership with sprout! thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this blog possible.


  1. So glad to hear that you’re settling in quite nicely. That Sprout device looks really interesting! The possibilities are endless! I’d love to take 3D images of candy or food! Your pictures of the kumquat branch looks amazing, too! I love how it includes the shadows!

    Thanks for sharing! I didn’t know such a thing existed!

    The MAMA Gazette

  2. Wow, just when I think technology is done impressing me — something new hits the market. Sprout sounds like it can be used for so many different things! I’m sure it will change how people create. So neat! I can’t wait to see how your custom fabric turns out and how you plan to use it!

    Dee | http://www.daundra.com/blog

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